nutritionally safe ?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
Can chickens eat rabbit pellets ? I know they Can, I guess I should rephrase that.... is it safe ?
If they were my chickens I wouldn't make a habit of feeding rabbit pellets. Chicken feed is nutritionally balanced to provide everything they need for egg and feather production. I also give mine green stuff such as lettuce, lawn clippings, spinach leaves as this helps deepen the yolk. They also get some mixed corn late afternoon time.

Hope this helps.
So far they have been fed Purina Sart & Grow. I also have a bunny & got a good deal on pellets & was wondering if I could mix some in to make the Purina stretch.
I would not make it the center of their diet, but if they get some here and there it will not hurt them. My girls love to forage under the rabbit hutches for dropped pellets and treats
I was so disgusted when I saw the ingredient list for alfalfa pellets. I too thought they were pretty much all alfalfa but there is LOTS of other junk in there.
Chickens eat pretty much anything, I would try to limit as a snack though. My girls eat up my pygmy goat food driving him crazy but he runs and eats their chicken food, so I use the goat food mixed 40/60 with cracked corn to make a mix I throw on the ground as a snack.
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