NY chicken lover!!!!

Sadly I have no idea. Mine are from the "red pullet" bin at TCS. I got a golden hen out of that bin also. I'llhave to take some pics today or tomorrow. Sorry not much help.

That's where these two came from also!

On a dirty note, I have a poop question. Went in for morning check and found this odd poop, photo behind the spoiler so people who don't want to see it don't have to.

That is the oddest poop I've seen yet! almost as if the urates didn't solidify. They're currently on medicated feed because it was all the store had left in stock when I went in. They've been on it for over a week so I don't think it would be shedding cocci. I could be wrong though so I would like some feedback from those more experienced than I.
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Wow they are gorgeous. Congratulations! 6 weeks is kind of early to tell. I won't even take a stab at it until 12+ weeks (or until l hear crowing!) I have two whites that look identical in their development and one started crowing at 9-10 weeks. The other hasn't uttered a sound yet. They are 4 months old now. I have a splash boy the same age and he "pretends" to crow. Goes through the motions but nothing comes out. These boys all had a much more upright stance than the girls and started getting the streamers down the back of their necks along with little tiny wattles.

Are you planning on selling any of them?
Thats what I figured, I know I have a while to go still. I'm hoping for for at least 1 hen from this group and I'm not sure if another Duncan (my split roo) will tolerate another roo but we'll just have to wait and see. I do have someone interested in a hen and a roo if thats what I end up with for extras.
Mine came from TSC too. In the red pullet bin. Mine have varying degrees of the white like that. The one with the most white, I keep being afraid is a roo.

Happily got another egg from my BCM girl yesterday, so 2 for 2 so far. I was surprised.

Sorry about your EE Lapeerian :(

And your roo & chick Cass :(
Mine too. My darkest one I keep thinking is maybe a roo, but I would be just as happy if she was.
Their first night together in the coop, the ducklings and the chickens all got along, or at least stayed away from eachother all night.
Then this morning four of the five ducklings were easily herded into their playpen.... Willie (the Rouen) took 15 minutes of circling it to figure out how to get in with his friends.
Brella--those are red sexlinks. I have 5 of them and they all look like yours. Laying machines and very crafty.
I agree Brella, they are red sexlinks. Mine look just like that as well and I agree with the crafty comment, one of my sexlinks is CONSTANTLY escaping from the run, but they are also VERY friendly.

Two of my sexlinks from last spring

She still does this if I'm sitting outside.
There's where the problem lies... If in chase them into the bottom portion of the coop they freak out and go to the far end furthest from the ramp. So I find it easier to catch and toss from the pen. Except when they get flighty and try to fly to avoid the out stretched dowel perch. The Lil Roo'let is super skittish to begin with so to try to get him to trust me after I chase and toss him every night this week, it's going to be a learning process indeed!?! Haaa
Mine get under the coop so I've hooked up a fishing net on a long 1x2 so I can get them. The first night it rained and I was down on my knees crawling to mud and poop. They don't have sense enough to go up the ramp and it was days to teach them.

Sadly I have no idea. Mine are from the "red pullet" bin at TCS. I got a golden hen out of that bin also. I'llhave to take some pics today or tomorrow. Sorry not much help.

Many of these hybrids are the same but called different names. Red Stars, Tetra Tints, Black Stars, but all are Sex Links. Technically they are not a breed. Much cheaper to hatch and deal with than pure breeds cuz you don't need to pay anyone to sex chicks. They like most crosses lay better than pure breeds over the short period.

As long as you love them it doesn't matter imo.
Mine get under the coop so I've hooked up a fishing net on a long 1x2 so I can get them. The first night it rained and I was down on my knees crawling to mud and poop. They don't have sense enough to go up the ramp and it was days to teach them.
I know they know how to go up and down the ramp... They just don't know WHEN!! Haaa They eventually will learn or follow the rest of the group... Just not looking forward to poo knees and freaking them out until they learn it or can be bribed to do what I want. Haaaa

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