NY chicken lover!!!!

I have this feeling that these reds are not red sex links...

Everything about this one had me thinking Cochin, but I realize now that cochins don't have pea combs(I'm such a newbie)... Silver Laced Brahma Pullet?

And caught some of the younger ones getting up on the roost! Yay!
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Yes they are fast.   "Speak softly and carry a big stick"   Literally.    I used a long piece of 1x2 to herd my chicks into the coop the first few nights (was that just a year ago?  OMG)   It extended my reach and I enabled me to get them headed the right direction...once you get the first one to go in the rest will usually follow, except that last one....that one I would pin down with the stick and then grab it and throw it in the coop.  (sounds worse than it was, I promise)

There's where the problem lies... If in chase them into the bottom portion of the coop they freak out and go to the far end furthest from the ramp. So I find it easier to catch and toss from the pen. Except when they get flighty and try to fly to avoid the out stretched dowel perch. The Lil Roo'let is super skittish to begin with so to try to get him to trust me after I chase and toss him every night this week, it's going to be a learning process indeed!?! Haaa
Seems that I can't win lately. I left the birds IN the coop yesterday and they ate one of the new chicks. I let them OUT today and my Sumantra roo is missing. Not happy camper here.
Ohh thats terrrible ..I hope your Roo shows in the morning
Quote: I quess I am not alone ..LOL ..
I usually put on long pants & a long sleeve shirt ...but I was enjoying the weather & did nt want to coverup ..Scars to prove it ..

Talk to them...First ...How did you pick her up ? Did you clamp both hands over her wings ?

I've heard bugs don't like cinnamon.

A Lei ...a interesting idea ...maybe a spearmint lei..worth a try

I've heard bugs don't like cinnamon.

Yep, lost one of my EE hens. Got run over in the road. I only had 2 EE hens and this was the better layer of the two of course. Got her from the girl in Morrisville. Thankfully hubby was the one to discover her in the road, it was downpouring when I got home so didn't see her. He said there wasn't much left, been run over a few times. Sadly, there are people around here that aim to hit animals too.

And now I only have one blue egg layer. All the new chicks are brown, olive or dark brown egg layers.
Sorry to hear about your hen ...That is a fear I have here also ..even though I live on a dead end road ..mine like to cross the road too . not everyone is careful driving ..

I've heard bugs don't like cinnamon.
I will try that ..I have been known to put herbs in my hair or hat ..
I was thinking of picking some spearmint leaves ..making tea & spraying my arms & legs & a hat ? with that
Cinnamon ...that sounds interesting ..maybe a sachet ?

So glad you are enjoying, for the most part your new girls! They sound delightful, can't wait to hear how they settle in.

For bugs, does anyone use dryer sheets? When we can remember, we put a sheet partly in a pocket, or even better hanging out the back of a hat, and the bugs seem less. It makes us look a little unkempt, too, but what the hay.

I cant use dryer sheets ...those things are loaded with chemicals...I only use fabric softener on towels & undies ..And it cant be too strong or that will bother me too .
No such luck. He didn't show up. Sad to think that he died defending his girls.... There is still hope that he is hiding under the coop, but he didn't show up tonight.
Want another rooster? I have a buckeye you can have. He is friendly to people and good with his hens. He is small for a buckeye and as I am trying to breed bigger birds, he needs to go. We will eat him if I can not get another place for him.
So glad you are enjoying, for the most part your new girls! They sound delightful, can't wait to hear how they settle in.

For bugs, does anyone use dryer sheets? When we can remember, we put a sheet partly in a pocket, or even better hanging out the back of a hat, and the bugs seem less. It makes us look a little unkempt, too, but what the hay.
I use dryer sheets when I store all my out of season horse ware( the horses clothing not mine!). No matter how I would store it, little bugs would get in the storage container, the dryer sheets do help.
Morning all! Another gloomy day so I am hoping for more rain. Everything is thirsty and soaking up all the water that we got.

Jlaw--I just use a pair of scissors. The sharper the better. I like the blunt end kids scissors (the good ones) as they are small and easy to use and I dont have to worry about poking out an eye or me.

Brella--those are red sexlinks. I have 5 of them and they all look like yours. Laying machines and very crafty.

Cass---sorry about your loss of chick and roo. Hopefully the roo shows up soon.

Woke up to the little girls (silkies) singing the egg song this morning. I am hoping that the girls in Legolas coop go broody and hatch some eggs. I am wanting to see what colors they throw. No more egg hatching for Little Mans group. I still have 4 of his chicks to find homes for. I do think one of them is a roo and he will be a looker like his dad. He has the same build and markings and it appears the same laidback nature.

My one day off today so i will be busy catching up before another long stretch.

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