NY chicken lover!!!!

Evening all.  Let everyone out to freerange.  Bill started chasing the girls around so I yelled at him and make deep bawking sounds.  He quit right away and stayed back a fair distance.  Yes, I am that crazy bawking chicken lady everyone talks about.  Dh asked me tonight when will Bill move out of the jerk stage.  He is five months old.  I said maybe by 8 months.  He said if he makes it that long.  I forbid him to kill my last remaining rir heritage breed roo!  I think Bill will turn out to be a decent roo once he has matured.  He backs off when the girls resist his attempts to mate and he certainly backs off and gives us a decent amount of space when we are out and about in the yard.  I really want chicks from him and the two red girls in the spring.  Eowyn is still sitting on her eggs so at some point in the next 3 weeks I will have silkie chicks (I think).  I didnt candle them and wont.  I am letting nature take its course.  If she hatches these two eggs, fine.  Still trying to decide if the babies are boys are girls.  I am very pleased with this breeding pen of silkies as they have produced great colors, beautiful feet and conformation.  I hope Pyxis is happy with hers as well.

Waiting for my bread to finish baking so I can have a Roger sandwich.  I stripped his bones tonight and gave the girls all the scraps.  Sort of a last revenge on their tormentor.  Saw a beautiful 6 pointer on the neighbors lawn down the road all in velvet.  Real nice rack above his ears and coming forward.  I often think its my dads way of saying hi from heaven because every time I think of him, I see a buck.  Sounds weird but its true.  It will be one year on friday since he passed.  How quickly time flies.  Still missing him every day.  His favorite season will be here soon.  He would be out every day looking for deer sign and planning where he was going to sit and hunt. 

Out to sit with my cheeps now for some chicken therapy.  Helps me to relax and power down.  Have a good evening everyone.

I am VERY happy with mine. They are sooo fluffy!! The splash especially is gorgeous. I'm really hoping she's a girl. I'll have to post some new pictures for you :)
Gramma, I don't have that spray but I can get it. She's been doing fine otherwise, I gave her tuna this morning and will give her some greens fruit and feed a bit later. My son is so cute he a board over the front of the dog crate so a raccoon couldn't reach in and grab her.

I fell a few times during the winter when running, but it's partly and old horse back riding injury from when I was 11.

Well off to work.
Omg I hope that fox doesn't come back your way.

Oh my, it's weird because working for a certain chain I know that they warn people that the reptiles may be carriers of Salmonella. It seems we just cannot escape it's grips.

I love the name broom hilda by the way! Well congrats on the babies. I hope you can figure out what went wrong.

Yeah the humidity is something, I can't wait to see your orps when you start hatching them. I might have to get one from you in spring.

yes he's very handsome

Um Pm I will gladly answer any questions. I work a a very large chain!

You bake bread omg that is awesome I love the smell and then the taste of fresh baked bread. Well I'm glad Bill is learning his place. You should show pictures of your silkies. It's okay that you squawk at your chickens LOL we mimic ours and bark at our dogs and hiss at our cats.

I'm glad you have something so beautiful to remind you of your dad.

Um I could use some peaches!!!

So I come home with my son and find this my brabanter wounded. She was having trouble some time ago getting on the perches we showed her how and it wasn't a problem and then now this. I'm not sure if another hen did it she didn't seem scared of anymore or anything, actually she acted as if nothing was wrong. When quarantined her she did her normal freak out she doesn't like being away from the flock, and she can hold her own pretty well. Not sure if it was a predator she is super slow and doesn't fly well so unless a very young puppy or kitten got on to my property which I doubt. I believe it was her bumping into the nest boxes, trying to jump.

I cleaned it and put ointment on it. In addition I gave some vitamins a fruit mash and oregano oil. Unfortunately no vet not even emergency will see her. I think there is one out in Victor but I can't get it I work till sunday and can't afford to lose time off of work. She's acting fine so I figure if I keep up on the treatment and hardy diet she should pull through, all she wants is to be back with the girls. That's okay when she is healed she can go into the silkie/baby pen that's my birds not able to be in the main flock pen.

Well on a more interesting note my Jersey Giant who is 15wks old tries to hide under our 5month old Faverolle when she gets scared, mind you she is almost the same size. Oddly enough our Faverolle doesn't seem to mind much and deals with it.

Well just finished some homework gonna relax a bit since my hip will not heal and it's making harder and harder to run and to go to work. I had such trouble maneuvering today. Well I wish everyone the best and to all a good night.
what you are looking at is damage brought about by overly aggressive rooster, at least that's how my hen got the same kind of injury
My pears are falling off the tree. Must be a similar variety. Have been getting PA peaches at farm stands, they are incredible.

I held a gun yesterday. It was all plasticky. And no one has ammunition. Did find some horribly expensive, but during the learning phase, cheap is the way to go. Will keep looking.
Omg I hope that fox doesn't come back your way.

Oh my, it's weird because working for a certain chain I know that they warn people that the reptiles may be carriers of Salmonella. It seems we just cannot escape it's grips.

I love the name broom hilda by the way! Well congrats on the babies. I hope you can figure out what went wrong.

Yeah the humidity is something, I can't wait to see your orps when you start hatching them. I might have to get one from you in spring.

yes he's very handsome

Um Pm I will gladly answer any questions. I work a a very large chain!

You bake bread omg that is awesome I love the smell and then the taste of fresh baked bread. Well I'm glad Bill is learning his place. You should show pictures of your silkies. It's okay that you squawk at your chickens LOL we mimic ours and bark at our dogs and hiss at our cats.

I'm glad you have something so beautiful to remind you of your dad.

Um I could use some peaches!!!

So I come home with my son and find this my brabanter wounded. She was having trouble some time ago getting on the perches we showed her how and it wasn't a problem and then now this. I'm not sure if another hen did it she didn't seem scared of anymore or anything, actually she acted as if nothing was wrong. When quarantined her she did her normal freak out she doesn't like being away from the flock, and she can hold her own pretty well. Not sure if it was a predator she is super slow and doesn't fly well so unless a very young puppy or kitten got on to my property which I doubt. I believe it was her bumping into the nest boxes, trying to jump.

I cleaned it and put ointment on it. In addition I gave some vitamins a fruit mash and oregano oil. Unfortunately no vet not even emergency will see her. I think there is one out in Victor but I can't get it I work till sunday and can't afford to lose time off of work. She's acting fine so I figure if I keep up on the treatment and hardy diet she should pull through, all she wants is to be back with the girls. That's okay when she is healed she can go into the silkie/baby pen that's my birds not able to be in the main flock pen.

Well on a more interesting note my Jersey Giant who is 15wks old tries to hide under our 5month old Faverolle when she gets scared, mind you she is almost the same size. Oddly enough our Faverolle doesn't seem to mind much and deals with it.

Well just finished some homework gonna relax a bit since my hip will not heal and it's making harder and harder to run and to go to work. I had such trouble maneuvering today. Well I wish everyone the best and to all a good night.
I had a pullet about a month or so ago that was worse. I cleaned it good and put on some triple antibiotic on it until it scabed over. I kept her away from the others until it was 90% healed now you can not tell she ever had a boo boo.

Good luck with yours.
Stony- My brother was a hunter and loved using his smoker to cook the game. It was so good. Love seeing your food.

Pharm- I understand completely. I get the same feelings.

We now have 3 empty pens, which was nice for DH at feeding time. Thankyou to some of our chicken friends for buying our excess birds. It is was a big help for us. I still have 3 free young roos if anyone wants them: splash orp, del, and cochin buff brahma bantam cross.
Speaking of pears, i have to get DH out to pick our tree. The pears are causing the tree to bend over. I put DH to work on tomatoes on sunday-25 quarts of sauce done. Tomorrow i go for another sono just as a precaution to check on the baby. In office yesterday the baby had a good heart rate and movement. I lost 5 pounds since thursday though. I made sure i ate extra at dinner, the baked potatoes made that easy though. Dr said i shouldn't go to DH family reunion in ithaca on saturday because he does not know what action will put me back into labor. I am really going to miss gram's cheesy potato casserole.
Tab, maybe someone will bring you a to go box? I bet if gram knew you wanted it, some would appear!

I like to see Stony's food too. It makes me wonder why we don't BBQ more. My DH is uncomfortable with anything but meat on the grill. Am trying to broaden his horizons. Keep the pics coming and maybe he will see that there are more options.

Went out to pick up pear and apple windfalls. The trees are old and I can't reach much to pick. Bella the dog came with, and settled down to enjoy a pear of her own choosing. She has always liked pears.

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