NY chicken lover!!!!

Well now where are you located and who was this fairy? I could use a truck load to fill in as it's taking me forever using coop cleanings. I've an area that get flooded and my first pass with the snow blower is very wet. I've been trying to fill in enough to make a path wide enough for the snowblower.
DeRuyter..and it is a family at the end of the road...Their dad and my FIL were best friends. DH grew up with them. They are a great red neck type of family. Got to love them especially now that they fixed their fences. You always had to go slow by their place cause most of the time there was at least 1 cow in the road.

Thats a Mountain ! Maybe they would sell Some ?
I can ask if they sell it. The have a tree service. They mostly do logging and some clearing. That load came from a side of a mountain that they were clearing for someone. I like it because I know that it is from an area where I don't have to worry about what was sprayed on it...This has just what Mother Nature put on it. There is lots of pine needles and some big chunks and a few branches, but I can't complain for what I got it for.

I'll talk to them, but they you never know when they will have it. We talked about it a few weeks ago and then they just showed up with it last night. They work on their own schedule.
Hi, everyone! It's been awhile since I've visited this forum, but I wanted to start putting my feelers out in order to plan for a 2015 hatch. I'd like to find someone within an hour drive of me to buy hatching eggs from. I'm looking for egg laying breeds known for good foraging and average - above average lay rate. Some of the breeds I know of that I'd be interested in are: Leghorns, Ameracauna, Welsummers, Marans, Delaware, Dominique, Campine. I live about 45 minutes south of Rochester, slightly over an hour from Buffalo. Please message me if you might have some hatching eggs for me in the Spring!
I am in the Fingerlakes. My marans is a black copper I hatched out last October, in my last fit of egg buying off E-bay, although she is all black and no copper coloring. Her eggs are nice and dark. One of my two roos is from that group, too. She is such a sweetie, I am keeping her, and probably her kids, too, although one of them is not hers, but my one swedish flower hen's. The roo (cockerel really, I guess since he's not even a year old yet!) was going the way of the soup pot when he decided to settle down and be a good boy. He is justifying his continued existence by adopting the Ameraucana's kid. She kicked that little one away at only five weeks, and the whole flock had to endure his/her? pathetic cheeping until the roo decided to play Big Daddy. He's turning into a good watch and take care of the hens boy, so I am hopeful for him.

I got a little distracted this summer I will admit and let them get away with things I shouldn't have. The giant tree crushing my garage and the other tree crushing my pen might have had something to do with it :)! Then again, just discovered I have been hobbling around with a fractured knee and not arthritis as I imagined. Arghh! I will try to post picture but I think I cannot until I have posted a certain number of times.
Well now where are you located and who was this fairy?  I could use a truck load to fill in as it's taking me forever using coop cleanings. I've an area that get flooded and my first pass with the snow blower is very wet. I've been trying to fill in enough to make a path wide enough for the snowblower. 

DeRuyter..and it is a family at the end of the road...Their dad and my FIL were best friends. DH grew up with them. They are a great red neck type of family. Got to love them especially now that they fixed their fences. You always had to go slow by their place cause most of the time there was at least 1 cow in the road.

Thats a Mountain ! Maybe they would sell Some ?

I can ask if they sell it. The have a tree service. They mostly do logging and some clearing. That load came from a side of a mountain that they were clearing for someone. I like it because I know that it is from an area where I don't have to worry about what was sprayed on it...This has just what Mother Nature put on it. There is lots of pine needles and some big chunks and a few branches, but I can't complain for what I got it for.

I'll talk to them, but they you never know when they will have it. We talked about it a few weeks ago and then they just showed up with it last night. They work on their own schedule.:idunno

You could always dry some out and bag it to use throughout the winter. I rake up the shavings from cutting and splitting fire wood after it dries out and use it all winter in the coop. It breaks down wonderfully. Even pine needles and an occasional small branch or 2 make it in the coop and break down nicely. The girls love digging thru it all winter.
There is alot of mis-Information out there ..I know It is hard to know what to believe .
I would say you are probably overdoing the treats for her ...she might be low on calcium for some reason .
My chickens have eaten all dairy products including cheese ...they eat everything we eat ..including left overs ..
They loved mac & cheese that my sister in law donated to them
They also get raw onions garlic .on the list of no nos.
The reason I suggested cheese is it would be easy to feed it just to her .

what their original diet was .......Im sure todays chickens are a lot different than the original model ...longs they get a healthy diet thats what matters .
Old farmers just gave chickens corn & occasional milk ..the rest they found for them selves

I have only layers ...they all get fermented feed ...those who ferment on the thread also have layers.
I started it because of the mess they made ...Now they eat less & absorb all that they eat ..less waste
sounds like a plan then ..i'll start a ferment bucket this afternoon and see how they like it ..i also started to put egg shells crushed and left a bowl of them next to the oyster shells..

i figured what i had read must have been wrong ..i used to throw them little bites of cheese when i ever i used the grill for burgers..and they loved it ..some one had said something about it clogging up the crop so i stopped giving it to them ..

i am a little worried about my wellie roo levon ..i went out last nite to close things up and found both his long tail feathers on the floor ..i dont no what happen or how they came out but there they were ..he looked ok and is up crowing this morning ..i didnt get to feed them till late yesterday and they were out of feed most of the day till i got back ..i did throw them some frozen corn early on to scratch at and some dried oatmeal ...i no by the time i got home they were pretty hungry ..but i wouldnt have thought that would stress him to the point of loosing feathers ..altho it prolly took him out of his normal rooteen..sorry for the spelling mistakes ..my brains not working this morning yet ..lol

I had an odd mix of failure and overabundance .... but the next breed I am going to bring in are well - bred Buckeye birds ! They sound like the perfect farm birds .... and so I hope to be back on track with my buckeye wishes this spring .....

I suggest you do a wee bit of research on the Buckeyes before you make your final decision.

Also - it seems like almost everyone who gets into EE's also have Marans and then a good portion of them get wheatens ! It seems to be those pulled to egg color :)
Your roo is just molting. Mine are in the process and all their tail feathers are looking weird..
but i run alight so they shouldnt be molting ..it comes on at 4 AM every morning ..in fact i just turned it back to 4 the other day from 5 ..maybe i need to set it back further..it does get dark alot earlyer ..if its sun down at 7 , thats 15 hrs of light..should it be more ..i have a bunch of wyandottes that havent started to lay yet .i wounder if thats why ..thanks i guess i have more reading to do ..
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