NY chicken lover!!!!

Your Shoes ? LOL
No silly. Columbian Rocks

Now my GD called her flip flops, Fripcrocks.

She has trouble with the SM sound so Smarties are Farties. SPrinkles becomes Frinkles. She's quite entertaining.
DS has a big problem with the T sound with some worlds...He is okay with TH...but he really has a hard time with TR..they sound like an F...So his favorite thing...TRucks sound more like a 4 letter word that starts with F... It is cute most of the time, but when he starts yelling in a store.."Hey Mommy look at this F**K" it gets kind of embarrassing .
They normally slow down ...yours probably wont ...as you have them under artificial light ? right ?

Not yet but we plan to have their heating lamp available, and heated water, lighting too. They are in the back hall just off the kitchen and welcome to come in but they choose to stay out in their coop area. It's like their own little chicken condo out there. The egg shells are really thick, and the birds appear healthy so far. I talk to them throughout the day and they talk back to me too. For a while Fredo would crow when I turned on the dryer after 8 pm because it's just on the other side of the coop area. I try to do laundry now when he's not sleeping and he's much happier and well rested...LOL.
Not yet but we plan to have their heating lamp available, and heated water, lighting too.  They are in the back hall  just off the kitchen and welcome to come in but they choose to stay out in their coop area.  It's like their own little chicken condo out there.  The egg shells are really thick, and the birds appear healthy so far.  I talk to them throughout the day and they talk back to me too.  For a while Fredo would crow when I turned on the dryer after 8 pm because it's just on the other side of the coop area.  I try to do laundry now when he's not sleeping and he's much happier and well rested...LOL.  

Chickens in general don't need heat lamps once past the chick stage. Full size chickens living in house certainly don't.
Went to a "chicken seminar" tonight at the local feed store. Mostly stuff we already know, but still a good reminder. Speaker was from Wisconsin and really good. Hosted by Nutrena, so feed was on sale. Picking up whatever feed I can find on sale now. Tonight was Buy One -Get One Free, so end up with 4 bags of Gamebird with 21% protein. I'll mix it with the layer feed, but the higher protein will be good through molt and condition before winter. They had Feather Fixer at 18% with the mite fighter stuff, but it still worked out more expensive being a 40# bag.
live very close to you.  south of Corning near Pa border

very close to you in Woodhull.  Looking for seramas if you know anyone

Havent been on in a while but saw that you live south of Corning. I grew up in Lindley but now live in Hornby. Wishing you a big belated welcome. I don't have or know anyone who raises seramas that live near us. Maybe someone on here does. sue
Yes, assuming your house is heated ? LOL they dont need heated water either ...people use it in the winter for chickens who are outside ..because their water freezes solid..
Hard to drink from that..
Besides that which would you rather have warm water or cool water to drink ...they probably prefer the cold ..like we do
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Well I finally broke down & bought some egg cartons 120 - for 34.99 free shipping ..Mis prints  not too expensive ...28 each
They turned out to all be medium ...big enough the ex large will fit in there if they have to .

I wish you and rancher lived closer. I always have tons of cartons. Friends save them for me and it's not unusual for me to have over 50 at a time normally more. I'd give them to you guys

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