NY chicken lover!!!!

I can sympathize with the hands through the straw, I've been doing that with a huge quantity od shredded newspaper that was packing for a glass shipment. I ordered large pieces of glass and small "jewels" that are roughly an inch in diameter. I can't find them. They would be bagged, hopefully in a colorful color...So I went through a lot of newspaper a scant handful at a time, putting it into feed bags and then doing it again to put it into the compost...that stuff really puffs up, and now I'll have to clean up the coop to balance the compost before I can finish looking. Really unhappy with that shipment.
I can sympathize with the hands through the straw, I've been doing that with a huge quantity od shredded newspaper that was packing for a glass shipment. I ordered large pieces of glass and small "jewels" that are roughly an inch in diameter. I can't find them. They would be bagged, hopefully in a colorful color...So I went through a lot of newspaper a scant handful at a time, putting it into feed bags and then doing it again to put it into the compost...that stuff really puffs up, and now I'll have to clean up the coop to balance the compost before I can finish looking. Really unhappy with that shipment.
maybe they forgot to add them ?
Quote: She probably thought you were looking for a choice morsel ...
I had a scare last night ...Kind of my own fault .
I changed the babies dog cage location ...off the back deck where they have been ....put it in the baby coop ..
I went out to rake more leaves from the neighbors...came back at dark ..couldnt find one of my four ..babies .
2 were on the deck shelf 1 was on the table .
checked everywhere I could think it could be ..put the three away ...Continued to look for it ..
I started Making baby sounds ..it answered me ...
It was in this cubby on top of the little frig ( a space about 3 inches high ..
It was so close it couldnt even stand up ...
I had to stick a board in there to get it out ...I didnt even have room for my hand
Take a few days for them to get acclimated to a new location. That's why when I add a new bird/birds I keep them indoors for a few days. Otherwise they keep going to the old place/coop.
My hoop coop has to get me through one more winter .... as the nicer coop is still under construction - at least the roof is on so the birds will have a snow free place to play during the winter.

3 adult guineas like to fly up there (old hoop coop) at night before going inside to roost - and scream before bedtime. Well, that's ok - I live in the country - BUT their nails dig into my tarp - therefore the inside now gets a light shower ....


Have to figure out a way to keep them getting up there - as I can't afford to buy tarps each week let alone the time to to put them up ... takes me a few hours as I have a 3 tarp set up for my coop ... BLAH !

But I only had 4 ticks on 2 dogs and 2 humans all this year ! and the word around my place is also all about heavy tick numbers.

I also do have a problem with the female guinea - she will just buckwheat/scream non-stop a few times a day ... and she is NOT alerting to any immediate danger.

Mine do not go into the road, but like someone else said - mine were brooded with chickens - and they are fully a part of my flock ... the chickens have no interest in being near cars.

Cheap tarps only last a year in the sun, I've found. I now put some opened feed bags on top first so the wire doesn't poke though the tarp. I've considered that foam stuff they put under Pergo flooring, but haven't bought any.

I scored some corrugated metal panels and will use a couple of those over the top and then use tarps down both sides.
Went and picked up my new coop!!!!
It has a few broken boards, but nothing that can't be fixed. It think that I'm going to paint all the bear boards too. As soon as we got it home DH started to gather stuff to work on it. (wood on the ground and leaning up against it) I think secretly he is excited to have a project to do. He walked around it studying it. He said that he can make me more. I told him that if we were going to make more that I wanted them taller so that I could walk in them. He has started planning already
...I told him that he had to make a bigger one in the spring for some TURKEYS!!!!

Not to bad for FREE! Got to love it.

They used it for a tractor for some meat birds so there isn't any floor in the house part. DH is working on a plan for putting a floor in it so it is a little safer for my ducks and gets them off of the ground. The open part also needs some work. They just have a blanket that they hung up. I may want to close it up a little more. Not sure if I should put a door on it there to lock them in at night. We are planning on making it bigger and going to put a door in the side of the run so I can open it up for access to the food and water. If that is secure will I need a door to lock them in the house part? You don't have other houses in a hoop coop so I should be fine right? I have to pull off the chicken wire that is on it so we can fix the broken boards. Going to get some hardware cloth to put on it to make it more secure. We also have to make the door in the back bigger so that I can get in to clean it and get the eggs. Going to get something to put on the one side to help block some of the wind and snow for winter, maybe a little over the top...So excited that my ducks will have some more room..and I will have some more room for some more ducks!!!
Went and picked up my new coop!!!!
It has a few broken boards, but nothing that can't be fixed. It think that I'm going to paint all the bear boards too. As soon as we got it home DH started to gather stuff to work on it. (wood on the ground and leaning up against it) I think secretly he is excited to have a project to do. He walked around it studying it. He said that he can make me more. I told him that if we were going to make more that I wanted them taller so that I could walk in them. He has started planning already
...I told him that he had to make a bigger one in the spring for some TURKEYS!!!!

Not to bad for FREE! Got to love it.

They used it for a tractor for some meat birds so there isn't any floor in the house part. DH is working on a plan for putting a floor in it so it is a little safer for my ducks and gets them off of the ground. The open part also needs some work. They just have a blanket that they hung up. I may want to close it up a little more. Not sure if I should put a door on it there to lock them in at night. We are planning on making it bigger and going to put a door in the side of the run so I can open it up for access to the food and water. If that is secure will I need a door to lock them in the house part? You don't have other houses in a hoop coop so I should be fine right? I have to pull off the chicken wire that is on it so we can fix the broken boards. Going to get some hardware cloth to put on it to make it more secure. We also have to make the door in the back bigger so that I can get in to clean it and get the eggs. Going to get something to put on the one side to help block some of the wind and snow for winter, maybe a little over the top...So excited that my ducks will have some more room..and I will have some more room for some more ducks!!!

Looks good! I'm a firm believer in you can't have too many locks - raccoons are smart little buggers! I have a total of 6 locks/latches on the coop/run areas. I use a combination of carabiners, hard wire loops & 1 padlock! I figure any animal that gets in through that lot probably deserves a chicken dinner...

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