NY chicken lover!!!!

Well my husband got the evil f%&#%r that has been killing my chickens! An ermine (white weasel) came back to finish his morning kill I think and we were about to move the chickens and set some kill traps and my son saw him, my husband ran back to the house and killed him with my great grandpas 410 I gave him for Christmas last year. So relieved that my sweet girl didn't die in vain this morning, and the rest of my flock will sleep well tonight, my law bantam she had just started laying and was a real beauty!
So happy that you got that taken care of. You have to feel incredibly relieved. Glad your hubby is a great shot too ! I have never seen a weasel or a white one...and hope never too!
Glad you got it, BitR!  Weasels are nasty critters.  Some friends of ours lost an entire flock to a weasel last year.  So we gave them all of the pullets from our spring hatch.  Two days later, that weasel came back.  :-(  They've given up on chickens for awhile.  We're going to see about helping them build a suitable coop, closer to their house.  

They're cute, but pound for pound er ounce the most viscous beast out there.
My dad raised a large flock of RIR for many yrs. In three nights they were almost all gone. Finally got it in a rat trap. Maybe more roosters would have helped IDK, Pyxis had a rooster kill one. Dad hasn't had chickens since. I'm planning on trying to talk him into taking these red sussex off my hands,he's mentioned maybe getting chickens again. His coops still good.
Glad you're back and remember there are more where they came from.

Thanks, Rancher, I hope everyone in your family is doing ok.

As for "more where they came from" I would definitely give you a call if I ever succumb to the Call of the Cluckers. I'll have to share some updated pics of the ladies. They're really nice birds. Do you still have a very large backyard flock?

Take care.

Mine was in the coop at 10:30 this morning
it was killing the hens one at a time
Oh, that's not good.....
I need plumbing help. Well advice. Our pressure tank needed air today. Jon brought it up to proper pressure. Then our lines plugged with smuck from the tank. That in turn ruined our bathroom plumbing and clogged our kitchen.

Now the question. What can I do ,cheaply , to break the smuck up before it kills all our plumbing. We have country well water an electric water heater ( which is 1/3 full of smuck) and 1 pressure tank.

Thanks in advance, I can't stand plumbing.
@ Rancher, the other half loves the five I got from you this fall. They have their own coop plus two EE's. Keeps telling me those are some good looking birds, if you can find more I allow it. Lol they are great birds. The frizzle is in love with my turkey. When I let them free range all five follow him around like little puppy dogs.
I need plumbing help. Well advice. Our pressure tank needed air today. Jon brought it up to proper pressure. Then our lines plugged with smuck from the tank. That in turn ruined our bathroom plumbing and clogged our kitchen.

Now the question. What can I do ,cheaply , to break the smuck up before it kills all our plumbing. We have country well water an electric water heater ( which is 1/3 full of smuck) and 1 pressure tank.

Thanks in advance, I can't stand plumbing.

Probably have a bad bladder in your pressure tank. I recently bought one from TSC.
Shouldn't have plugged your plumbing, have you removed the faucet screens or strainers what ever they have? Even your clothes washer has a screen.
Your hot water heater has a drain, they make big pans to drain them. Luckily last time I had to drain one it was in a trailer I just hooked a garden hose up to it and drained it outside. It had a lot of sediment in it, which caused the bottom element to burn out, which with just the top element working caused spike in electric bill.. Easy to change, just need special big thin socket, our hardware plumbing store let me borrow it.
If you have sediment, best advice, water filters, we have two in a row, one for coarse second for fine. The people that put them in put them between pressure tank and gas hot water heater. I think it would have been better placed before the pressure tank. But maybe they had a reason, I'm not a plumber, just pretend to be cause I don't like spending money.

Our house is all copper plumbing, thinking of replacing it with plastic and selling the copper for scrap and buying a dozen Ayam Cemani...Do you think the wife will notice? ?

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