NY chicken lover!!!!

I live about 40 minutes south of Albany. We will use a big dog crate on the back porch first. This is my first time trying to add to my flock so I think we need a small interim coop before they go in with our 3 Golden Comets and 1 rooster. We will probably build it ourselves and put it into the big fenced in area that my run opens into.
Welcome ! Are they just hatched ? As they will need some heat also .
If the dog crate is big enough ..leave them in that ...
You can make it more secure when it is in the run with plywood or hardware cloth on the outside of it . Letting them out in the run works ...when the flock is free ranging .
Then as they get older you can let them free range too . They will remain separate for a while ..when they get close in size merge the flock ..Be there when you do to supervise so the babies dont get beat up too bad .
Good morning everyone - Important Notice - so very few folks have got back to me on Chickenstock, so I'm going to cancel the event.
Sorry, but I think it would only be a couple of folks who would turn up..
I've posted the Ducks to CL. I do like them but am concerned about winter time. How to keep them. They are messy but need water and make a mess of it. I don't have them separate from some chickens. Had one person contact me but only want the hens. I just don't get folks who think I'll be left with the males.
I have posted the BO's too. No takers so far.
There are still hens on eggs and chicks too. I was at TSC and they had chicks again. That can't be good. So many have chickens already.
Anyhow if things don't change I'll have more coops with chickens this winter. I'm working now, and tired so not looking forward to that. Plus DW is sick and taking care of the house is not easy. I need someone to mow and have to get my weed whacker fixed. I tried but just can't get it going.
Anyone go to an auction? How are sales there?
I've posted the Ducks to CL. I do like them but am concerned about winter time. How to keep them. They are messy but need water and make a mess of it. I don't have them separate from some chickens. Had one person contact me but only want the hens. I just don't get folks who think I'll be left with the males.
I have posted the BO's too. No takers so far.
There are still hens on eggs and chicks too. I was at TSC and they had chicks again. That can't be good. So many have chickens already.
Anyhow if things don't change I'll have more coops with chickens this winter. I'm working now, and tired so not looking forward to that. Plus DW is sick and taking care of the house is not easy. I need someone to mow and have to get my weed whacker fixed. I tried but just can't get it going.
Anyone go to an auction? How are sales there?
I sold my ducks, as after 5 years, I decided I had enough of their messy ways, plus they didn't hatch well this year, only 8 & they "disappeared" within 2 days! I found a few that'd gotten caught in the rain & the mamma duck hadn't done her job of keeping them dry. :(
I know what you mean about people only wanting hens. Earlier this year I listed roosters & clearly stated I had no hens or pullets available. Still had people ask for them! :barnie

Hope you're able to find homes for them.
awe - sorry about that Boskillie ! I'm a little too far for a fall event - if you have it in mid-late spring I'll be there !!! I promise !!!
Bummer about fall chickenstock. It would have been nice to see everyone. Though I should be using that day to finish up a shed I'm working on anyway, lol. I was going to bring a couple pullets (spitz) & possibly a couple peachicks. Pm me if interested.

I'm not a fan of the new version of this site. I miss updates, lose track of certain threads, and the search function doesn't function well at all. Glad I found this thread again tho.

Oh yeah and Craigslist... nothing like a "roosters only, no hens available" ad to get lots of "I can only take hens" responses. :he I still have 5 extra cockerels, but just plan on processing them when they get big enough.

Hope everyone is doing well!!
Too I wonder, if they can't take the drakes or roosters what kind of people are they? I mean if they're not willing to do the work of raising chicks and ducklings? It takes dedication for anything to turn out good. Hard work and all that. Nor choose to pay.

Anyone familiar with the Little Red hen? That's how I see things. Folks who only want the hens are like those who will help "eat my bread" after I've done all the work.

Plot summary[edit]
In the tale, the little red hen finds a grain of wheat and asks for help from the other farmyard animals (most adaptations feature three animals, a pig, a cat, and a rat, duck, goose, dog, or goat [1]) to plant it, but they all disagree. (they don't disagree, they refuse her request for help)

At each later stage (harvest, threshing, milling the wheat into flour, and baking the flour into bread), the hen again asks for help from the other animals, but again she doesn't receive any help.

Finally, the hen has completed her task and asks who will help her eat the bread. This time, all the previous non-participants eagerly volunteer, but she disagrees with them, stating that no one helped her with her work. Thus, the hen eats it with her chicks leaving none for anyone else.

The moral of this story is that those who say no to contribution to a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he eat."[2]
hey everyone :) I'm new to the site and I found this NY thread. Sorry if I'm interrupting any conversation, I just thought I'd join the thread. I live on Long Island and I've got 10 girls. Anything I should know about the thread?

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