NY chicken lover!!!!

I haven't had a chance to spend much time on byc lately... and have some 355 posts to catch up on! thought I would pop in to say hi! and that all is well, the chicks are doing great, and getting big, and the older gang is also doing very well, the girls are laying like crazy, and the 3 boys have worked out their order and all is peaceful in the dome. I remember you asked for pics rancher... I will get some this weekend to show how I plan to build come Spring... life's been crazy of late... my MIL passed away on Jan 6, at age 85, bless her... she had a good life, and this past year was difficult with Alzheimer's... and my workload was so crazy I couldn't even get one day off to mourn. the family will all come together sometime in April or May for a Memorial in Massachusetts.

I'm so tired, the heck with cooking tonight! I'm calling for Chinese food! our little restaurant downtown is so good... I want them to teach me how they make egg drop soup, my experiments have turned out pretty good, but I can't quite get the consistency of theirs! wonder if they will share their recipe?
I'm sorry about your MIL. It's sad and hard. My great aunt lived with alzheimer's for 15 years and it was really hard. She had early onset of it in her late 50's.
I haven't had a chance to spend much time on byc lately... and have some 355 posts to catch up on! thought I would pop in to say hi! and that all is well, the chicks are doing great, and getting big, and the older gang is also doing very well, the girls are laying like crazy, and the 3 boys have worked out their order and all is peaceful in the dome. I remember you asked for pics rancher... I will get some this weekend to show how I plan to build come Spring... life's been crazy of late... my MIL passed away on Jan 6, at age 85, bless her... she had a good life, and this past year was difficult with Alzheimer's... and my workload was so crazy I couldn't even get one day off to mourn. the family will all come together sometime in April or May for a Memorial in Massachusetts.

I'm so tired, the heck with cooking tonight! I'm calling for Chinese food! our little restaurant downtown is so good... I want them to teach me how they make egg drop soup, my experiments have turned out pretty good, but I can't quite get the consistency of theirs! wonder if they will share their recipe?
Cheeka, I am sorry for your loss.

My favorite soup is hot and sour and while I will make it, I can never get it like the chinese resturaunt either.
Rancher did you find your pullet this morning?

overslept. It's 7:45 on my 1st cup of coffee. Chickens and ducks still locked up. I should have had 3 more roosters beheaded by now. Guess I needed the sleep. Oh well.
Stony---exactly how many roosters do you have??? Seems like you are butchering forever! How old did you grow them out to before you started? I need to restock my freezer and am trying to decide how many to hatch out for processing. Dont have a lot of room to keep them so I may end up hatching in small amounts, growing them out and planning another hatch by processing time.

Rancher--you find that pullet yet?

County--great pics of your birds and they are gorgeous!

This is my first saturday off in I dont know how long. I feel rich...I have a whole weekend to spend! Of course I didnt get to sleep in as the cheeps were demanding out by 630. Have to go buy them some greens today. Good thing I emptied all the outdoor waterers last night as they would have been frozen solid. Egglaying is going strong this morning judging from all the egg songs I am hearing. Means many happy customers.

Enjoy the day everyone!
Stony---exactly how many roosters do you have??? Seems like you are butchering forever! How old did you grow them out to before you started? I need to restock my freezer and am trying to decide how many to hatch out for processing. Dont have a lot of room to keep them so I may end up hatching in small amounts, growing them out and planning another hatch by processing time.
The honest answer is I don't know how many. Just killed 3 more, they are hanging as the water warms. The freezer count is only 16 since Thanksgiving
. If I had to venture a guess I'd say 10 more need to go to freezer camp to leave me 10 to 15 roosters for the girls. But it is all a guess. Never counted the boys. What I'm doing is removing either young randy roo's from pens ( finished that this morning) and removing roosters I don't want from my tin shed AKA the Sumatra broody coop. I take note of 2 things. Who harrasses the pullets the most and who isn't the right coloring to breed with. Personally I don't care about coloring or showing but many who buy eggs or chicks from me do. I may do 3 more tomorrow. I may wait till next weekend, not sure.
Sumatra's are small birds so as soon as they start harrassing the girls at 6 or 7 months old is when I kill them off.

My wife and I have talked of getting meat birds this spring. Which means rearranging everyone to empty a pen as I don't see pan building time in my near future.

But anyway I'm doing what the flock needs. Roosters removed for the good of the flock. 2 of them this morning and the next 3 were 100% free range rooster who lived in a shed at night. The ones that demand to live in tree's get a free pass. I'm not hunting roosters
Pharmchickenmom is photo posting challenged, so I will help her out.

Thanks to DH for putting up the pics. I freely admit that technology and I dont always get along. Oh, those are my rir girls cranking out those eggs. I also call them the terrorists. Why, because they spend their days plotting on how to get out and how to trip me up when I come with goodies!

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