NY chicken lover!!!!

The DeKalb Black
DeKalb acquired Sturtevant Farms in 1969 and the main product the Sturdy Link 527. This was
marketed as the DeKalb “Sturdy Link” 527. According to a Sturtevant Farms brochure in the mid
60’s “the black sex-link pullet had became the most popular of all brown egg producing birds in
the USA and especially New England. The Black Sex Link and especially the Sturtevant cross had
increased in popularity because of their great resistance to leucosis and exceptional ability to lay
a lot of large, brown eggs”. In the early 1990’s the 527 became the Black. It was marketed as a
quasi dual-purpose layer produced from Rhode Island Red and Barred Plymouth Rock parents. It 20
was marketed in some areas such as Latin America. There was also a growing market for this
bird in the US with an expanding Asian population that preferred a black-feathered chicken to
eat. \

Of course these birds were developed for commercial production. I am not stating whether these birds are good nor bad. This information was from Hendrix Genetics.

I have read that Hybrids while not as hardy as pure breeds, do lay more eggs. Is one better than another? I'm to old to research it even for myself.
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Also, baby leghorn girls have huge combs for what you'd be expecting for a chick. They should not have any red in those combs, however. I hatched leghorns last year and the boys were blisteringly obvious by 4 weeks old. Girls had big yellow combs, boys had big beet red combs. I'll have to find my pic of my pullet at 4 weeks with a comb that would have me worried on anythign but a leghorn. :) Second pic the comb looks a bit pink but it's not, really. This turned out to be a girl - my first chicks from a hatchery. Forum got me worried as a few peeps were insisting way back when that these were boys.. but nope. :)

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Loving all the chick pics and reports.

Hope everyone (and their chickens) are enjoying this spectacular, long over due day!

Coop construction going strong here; tar paper just stapled onto the roof and we are about to do some shingles.

ok so I separated my little girl again and its not pine shaveings she's eating I don't think but her chest feathers. i'm at a loss here on what to do I've tried oil and even soaked her food in oil. not feeding don't seem to do anything. Massaging just moves water and stuff around I feel nothing hard cept food every now and then. here is latest pics of her. tried some egg instead of regular starter food. that's her poo on ground from today but man this is just getting bigger and bigger it seems no mater what I do. Two times I've massaged her and she spit up some wasn't black but brown. I haven't tried to make her throw up cause I don't really know how and have a feeling I'd screw it up and kill her.

I really want tetra tints but haven't seen any

I would be shot though I think if I brought even more chicks home...after the ones I ordered come in the mail, plus the ones I'm hatching we have the potential to have over 40 chickens...eeek

I want to make some deviled eggs but I'm having some issues peeling the hard boiled eggs. I know this is a problem with fresh eggs and you're supposed to add baking soda to the water. Do you know how much to add? I don't think I'm adding quite enough...
I boil a dozen a week (or so it seems). I find that a tablespoon of vinegar added to the cooking water makes them peel very well. And some of the eggs I boil were laid the day I boil them.

(Vinegar is also what you use to remove calcium deposits on pans and eggs are calcium)
ok so I separated my little girl again and its not pine shaveings she's eating I don't think but her chest feathers. i'm at a loss here on what to do I've tried oil and even soaked her food in oil. not feeding don't seem to do anything. Massaging just moves water and stuff around I feel nothing hard cept food every now and then. here is latest pics of her. tried some egg instead of regular starter food. that's her poo on ground from today but man this is just getting bigger and bigger it seems no mater what I do. Two times I've massaged her and she spit up some wasn't black but brown. I haven't tried to make her throw up cause I don't really know how and have a feeling I'd screw it up and kill her.

You might try a warm compress on that too. Is there any chance it's a tumor?
I hate to be the one to say it, but no one else is going to. This chick that has been slowly dying for a week, I don't think it was meant to live. A broody mama would have already killed it. I'm sorry to be brutally honest, but someone has to be.... so I'll be the one,

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