NY chicken lover!!!!

We're just too wild over here. Out of control. I don't normally stray from our little family here, unless I'm looking for specific info. If I want to quote just a part of someone's post, how do I do that? I've tried to highlight it and hit quote but it doesn't work. I'm computer illiterate, so please bear with me.
I know that I may says things that can/do tick people off. I am sorry for previous and future comments. Just quote me and put the "smacky smilie" next to it. And as to typing and such, I do a lot on my phone which does not have a big screen or all the features of a pc. Pain in the toukas!
We got a visit from a state trooper last night. Doorbell rang around 10:30. Our neighbor's house was broken into yesterday. They took some jewelry and nothing else. They obviously knew exactly what they were after. They left everything else. Scary because we normally leave our doors unlocked. They are looking into people why may be familiar with their house. That kind of thing just doesn't happen in this area. :/ We need more guard chickens.
I have always wanted a dog but I am allergic to them. Crazy right? Chickens, ducks, other feathered friends. Goats am cats too we have. Went to a friends house on Friday and loved her two Labs, woke up yesterday to swollen eyes, covered in hives and itchy as all get out!
Oh, I think I may have got stuck with chicken math. Went to TSC yesterday and could not resist the little bantams... soooo 6 new babies.
Chicken math is a problem here....
Has anyone heard of this Theory of sexing eggs ?. oval eggs are hens ...football shaped eggs are Roos - bigger coz a Roo is bigger .. http://www.motherearthnews.com/sust...ed-chicken-eggs-zmaz74zhol.aspx#axzz2QJv7Uekd
If that were true hatcheries would not have a Cockeral problem. Wish it was though. Country boy- I love the crele Rooster. Green with envy!!!
My poor little babies overnight...
The ENTIRE 1 gallon waterer leaked overnight and waterlogged their substrate. All 18 were sitting in a puddle this morning (not just damp, a PUDDLE). They all seem to be okay though.
My poor little babies overnight...
The ENTIRE 1 gallon waterer leaked overnight and waterlogged their substrate.  All 18 were sitting in a puddle this morning (not just damp, a PUDDLE).  They all seem to be okay though. 

Poor little fuzzies! They will dry out once you have it cleaned up. I have had that happen. Actually, the first time I had ducklings they slobbered the water all over and the chicks with them had matted down fluff and were not very happy about it.
Poor little fuzzies! They will dry out once you have it cleaned up. I have had that happen. Actually, the first time I had ducklings they slobbered the water all over and the chicks with them had matted down fluff and were not very happy about it.

Aww poor little ones!! I love love love my nipple waterers for just this reason. I hate cleaning up poopy pine water and the chooks getting all wet. They will be ok!

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