NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all! Another dreary and humid day. I am not looking forward to the heat and humidity that is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Makes work more difficult.

I have one broody in the terrorist coop and boy is she cranky! I open the door to get eggs and she is all puffed up and growing and screaming at me. Fortunately she hasnt gone for me and lets me take the eggs but she acts like she is going to rip me apart. I usually just give her some nice pets and tell her what a good girl she is. One of my young silkie girls is also going broody. She is not sitting yet but when I open the door to get eggs, she spreads her wings and puffs up and screams. I am hoping she starts sitting so she can hatch some eggs from that pen. Time will tell I guess.

I have the tots back in downstairs. I will try introducing them again to the divas coop this weekend at night. They are getting big and need to be out in the coop. My problem hen is Betty. She is lowest in rank in that coop and is just horrible to the tots. Wont let them eat and goes after them constantly. If I yank her out for a couple days, do you think the transition would go better? The other girls didnt really bother with them except for a peck if they tried to push into the food action. I dont dare put the tots in with the terrorists as several of those hens have shown very aggressive moves towards the tots when they were out in the puppy pen. I suspect they would kill them.

Moved my silkie tots to another cage as the rir tots just walk on them when they are together. Nothing intentional as they were all raised together but now they are so big it just happens. The silkies are supposed to go to a new home on friday. I have discovered that Rosey the rir tot is really Uncle Bill. Comb is turning red red and he is going to be a very big boy. I am still thinking 2 pullets and 2 roos, based on the combs.

Off to the pharm today. Might be a two fan day. There is never any air in our little hole in the store. Have a good day all.

Mix it up ! rearrange things in the coop ..can you move roosts ? or things ? It messes wth the pecking order ...somehow ..I read somewhere .so they are less likely to ?
Mix it up ! rearrange things in the coop ..can you move roosts ? or things ? It messes wth the pecking order ...somehow ..I read somewhere .so they are less likely to ?

I agree. If you can clean the coop, move any feeders to another area. Empty and clean all nest boxes too.

I tried to make things easy for me by putting my roost so all row were level and Lord have mercy they started pecking each other. So I put it back at a slant. The pecking stopped.

Oh and believe me the "walking on" is quite intentional. It's another way of declaring who's king of the coop. This is why roosters are good.

Roosters don't take to hens fighting. I've seen mine break up more than one "cat fight". At least any roo worth his weight in feed.
I cant move anything in the coop as its all statioary. I will try introducing them again.

Rancher-- chickens are always plotting. Just look in their eyes!

Ok...back to drug dealing!
I did it! I couldn't wait either Aqhachick! LOL
From what I can tell I have at least 3 Silkie eggs with veins and a small red blotch. One of my eggs is very Porous? If that's what they call it, so I'm assuming that one is a dud. The Orp egg is a dud as well from what I can see which I knew but wanted to place in there to compare.

Lots of cleaning to do now that the sun is out, however this humidity is going to kill me, so nasty and sticky out there but I have to clean these coups! They are so gross! Especially after the rain last night.
I did it! I couldn't wait either Aqhachick! LOL
From what I can tell I have at least 3 Silkie eggs with veins and a small red blotch. One of my eggs is very Porous? If that's what they call it, so I'm assuming that one is a dud. The Orp egg is a dud as well from what I can see which I knew but wanted to place in there to compare.

Lots of cleaning to do now that the sun is out, however this humidity is going to kill me, so nasty and sticky out there but I have to clean these coups! They are so gross! Especially after the rain last night.
Here is a link I found on pintrest that was cool. It shows the development of the egg at different stages.
Well Stella flew the coop today! LOL I think that was the first time she'd been out since yesterday when she went broody. I was cleaning them out and all of a sudden out she went. She was sitting on 9 eggs! 9 gross, dirty, disgusting eggs! One of which cracked or something because there was yellow yolk all over the place. I chucked them all, cleaned out that nestbox and replaced them with 1 silkie egg. I'll get another tomorrow and place it under her if she's still sitting on them. She was out for a while today. I think she finally went back in a few mins ago. I hope she doesn't get too upset and sits on the one, I had to clean out that box, that whole coop was gross. Threw some sevin dust in there, I may need to find some dirt/sand tomorrow to throw in the run because it is a big muddy mess! About to get yet another storm and I'll probably lose power again tonight while working!
Rancher-- chickens are always plotting. Just look in their eyes!
Since you dont have silkies you will be ok doing this rancher. But anyone with silkies dont look into those black pools of death they call eyes. Pure evil in those pools. Its why my daughter wanted them to go along with her evilness. My silkies are hardest to get back into coop when i just about have them they look me in the eye then dodge what ever way i think they maybe going. Mind reading evil things.

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