NY chicken lover!!!!

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I am a EBAY SELLER ...Almost Full TIME ..If Im not on my Computer ..I am out with the chickens
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Another mystery death, similar Breella's this time. one of the Anconas was laying in the corner of the coop on the floor. They roost in the rafters, so odd she was in the coop. Feet curled up like she was roosting, head tucked back under her wing. She feels like a good weight at least, since I can't get my hands on them usually. Who knows. Also seen one of the BR hens hiding under the coop, worried she was dead, but she jumped up and hopped on one leg when I poked her. Caught her, checked her, one leg is swollen, with a blood spot under the leg scales. Leg wobbles a little, so may be broken. Put hay in the floor level nest box and put her in for he night, but she went out and jumped up in the roost. Leg doesn't appear badly broken, wasn't flopping around, so will keep an eye on her.
We all went to play in the snow a bit, Little Girl has been home due to break then snow days and is driving us nuts. Lol. We let Harvey off leash for the first time. He pounced after a couple chickens that ran, but because he was happy to be free and showed no aggression towards them or desire to chase. Still needs work on his recall, but he loved to be able to run and bounce thru the snow.
Rancher, if you do disperse chickens, I'd be interested in a few younger chickens.
So sorry to hear about your hen. All these mystery deaths...could it really be the cold?
I too have had some mystery deaths, and I really think they were brought on by the cold. I had an older wyandotte pass away a few days ago and last night two younger pullets didn't make it, one welsummer and one sex link. All the in-the-middle age birds are fine. My roo honey has some frostbite though so I may vaseline him at some point to prevent it from getting worse. I think I need better ventilation in my coop, even with the front partially uncovered. Does anyone know what those vents that go on the roof are called? I believe someone in here has one for their hoop coop and they said it was working well so I wanted to look into it.
I too have had some mystery deaths, and I really think they were brought on by the cold. I had an older wyandotte pass away a few days ago and last night two younger pullets didn't make it, one welsummer and one sex link. All the in-the-middle age birds are fine. My roo honey has some frostbite though so I may vaseline him at some point to prevent it from getting worse. I think I need better ventilation in my coop, even with the front partially uncovered. Does anyone know what those vents that go on the roof are called? I believe someone in here has one for their hoop coop and they said it was working well so I wanted to look into it.

That would be me. I have 2 of them on the roof.

It's simiar to this
Mine are plastic though & I ended up putting roof rubber around them to seal them.

My mom just said temps suppose to get,down between -20 to -30 here Monday & Tuesday. Think I might just put some extra tarps up inside along the sides to try and insulate against the wind a little more for them and one on end where door is.
15 would be fine, they're on 16% layer pellets right now so that should be good.

Someone needed a bath...bad! She's so happy now and wanted to share her "selfie" with Rancher...

that is the best picture!
, my husband wants to know how they see and ranchers comments had me in hysterics!!
how have everyone's temperatures been? we are suffering from anywhere from -15 to -22 the past couple of days. that was without windchill.
I think we're finally passed the frigid negative temps. It's 26 here right now (WC states "feels like 14") and the LO is 17. Much better than -9 it was last night.

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