NY chicken lover!!!!

No ...Thats exactly what I wanted .
Have you told her your sorry she is in pain & cant do anything more to help her & give her a hug ?
Sometimes that helps ..it helps me do a reality check if I am whining ..
How about some Cotton balls in your ear to help ?

Nope. Haven't told her that, cuz I would be lieing. I am not sorry she is in pain because she has been told for decades to change her ways and made the choice to keep up abusing her body. This is the natural outcome for her choices. I give her hugs daily. They don't help. She is just a person who whines about everything. The size of the person in the next check out lane. The wait for a table at the resturant SHE chose. The size of her clothes. (which is size 6, up from Barbie Doll size 4 in the past 10 years) I used to think that my father divorced her because he was a jerk. Much later he told me "there is no pleasing her". I believe him now. Case in point, I once drove the long way from NC back to NY to show her the Smokie Mountains. She complained she couldn't see anything because of all the "fog". Hand to God, she really said that. Add to that personality flaw, a tramatic brain injury and decades of heavy drinking, she's a mess. Gotta love her tho, she does try to keep her life straight and only asks for help when she has totally screwed things up.
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Have you seen the new Doberhuahua commercial? Now that's funny.

Too too funny!

Finally took the camera out and got a pic of my roo. He looks like hell, but as soon as the bad stuff falls off and it heals up he'll be fine...right

It is looking better already, if you can imagine it was worse a few days ago. I feel bad that it got this bad.

I didn't realize that he had a little cottage cheese still on his beak

My roo's comb is pretty rough too I left it alone and it will soon have no points comb spring. But next winter he should be fine!!
That's what Gru looks like and I'm curious as to what his comb is going to look like...

Same here Rajesh is looking bad too but still doing his job.
Everything that is black will slough off and he will be fine. Look at it this way, next winter, you won't have to worry about his comb....

Comedy Time
Turkey Races

I want a turkey just for that reason LOL. Take a remote control car around the neighborhood and walk my turkey.

Phew. You guys were a chatty bunch.

JLaw...alcoholism is nothing to mess around with. Down the line it can ruin the life of even a functioning alcoholic. I know. I take care of people with alcohol induced dementia. So when you are thinking of drinking remember that it's not just the hangover that you are inflicting on your family, it could be decades of "taking care of dotty ol' dad".

Now where was I? How about changing a leg bag for my mom cuz she forgot how to change it? (Ahh...alcoholic anyone?) But she survived the surgury. All that is left is my surviving her whining about how much she can't do until she heals. It's like I talked her into having the surgury....really mom? The Doctor didn't have a thing to do with it?

My chickens are almost knee deep in frozen poo. This warm spell couldn't have come at a better time. Tomorrow, change night bag to leg bag and then clean the chicken coop. (Good thing she doesn't live far away any more)

FYI: Honey coated cereal stored since 2/12 is one solid mass of puffs in 2014. Eat it first.

Hope your mom is well. My dad just got out the hospital. and he usually ends up with a bag. This one time they put one in he was complaining until I took him into the hospital to finaly get it removed boy was I annoyed. I feel ya pain good luck and you got my support.

amazing how these 'Cuse folks are the minute it reaches above 20 degrees. I saw 3 people today in shorts! LOL

Those are probably the people that never stopped wearing shorts. LOL

Here s my good old boy Before frostbite

During frostbite

After frostbite

I noticed him today ...he has a little line on top of frostbite.
I never put anything on it ..I was afraid I would make it worse .it just darked & was gone after a while
SEE he just lost his tips

He looks very good though I'm actually excited to see what my boy looks like. I only put stuff on the part that my hens pecked to get the girls to stop. I know I like utility birds but in my eyes Roosters are suppose to look pretty.
Oh man, forgot to turn the light out on the coops tonight and Gru is out there crowing away! Ugh DH is closing tonight and he's usually the one to unplug the light at night for me. Oops! Hopefully he'll shut up soon!

OH gru well I hope he doesn't keep you up.
Looks like it has quite a ways to go even...weird. Guess you'll find out soon. All your other eggs are doing well it sounds like??

Well, I started the incubation with 14 eggs, I'm now locked down with 7. Six EE/OE X Dark Brahma and one Leghorn X Dark Brahma. Two EE/OE eggs never started to develop, another two stopped at 2-3 days of development, another two stopped at 3-5 days and my other Leghorn X Dark Brahma egg quit on day 10. I opened it up and took photos, seems like the placenta detached. All the veins had pretty much disappeared, I felt bad but it was interesting to see the nearly half developed chick. I'm a science geek at heart.
The murder hen struck again! At least I suspect it was her. She had been duking it out with Puff for the last two days, and today I found poor Puff dead in the run with the back of her head pecked bloody. I'm gonna have to name this hen Lizzie Borden I think. It's weird because she left the two leghorns alone and doesn't even think of going after any of the other birds.I don't know what sets her off. Of course, I never saw her kill Puff and she had no blood on her, so it may have been another bird in my flock, but I've never had them kill newcomers before.
Metella, doing stone mason work can be tricky.  There were some cement workers who let me go on their crews a few times to learn.  Some things you don't really see on the videos are the grading and leveling of the foundation, and the cleanup.  It really helps to have a hose ready when doing these types of jobs.   I hope your masonry work turns out good, it can be gorgeous when done correctly!

JLaw, we knew people who tried the pellet stove.  They didn't like the smell of the pellets, this was years ago so they may smell different now, and when the pellet cost started to rise, they decided to scrap the whole pellet stove idea.  We've heard of people with outdoor woodburning stoves.  They do a good job, but these may be people who have ready access to wood to burn. 

We don't drink alcohol, although we do use wine for cooking, fondue or chicken marsala, on occasion.  We find drinks that we like and have them available.  V8 makes a pina colada and we add lime juice with ice, very good.  We make Shirley temples and have NA beer O'Doules, in the house on occasion.  When people gift us alcohol, we regift it.  It's nice that you are trying for a better lifestyle!  There are a lot of people who do not drink alcohol!  We welcome you! 

Losing a child is terrible.  We hit the 5 year mark for his son recently.  Didn't even bother to get a Christmas tree this past year.  It's been 5 years of torture for him, starts in October and goes through December.  Having the hatching eggs this year, in December, seemed to help a little bit.  The chickens are a big positive in our lives right now.  We moved them to the kitchen so they can watch TV from their area with us.

Welcome Bronx chicken lover!  I lived in Queens for a while, enjoyed the hustle and bustle.  Best of luck on the quail!  There are a lot of people in NY keeping chickens in the city.  Some in Utica even have live goats in their apartments, often for food.  There are live animal markets in NYC area.  If no one knows you have chickens or quail, no one should make a fuss.  Now I'm getting hungry for NYC Chinese food, or one of those bagels over in Far Rockaway. 

We love our outdoor furnace! Unlimited heat and hot water as long as the sucker is up to temp, and it burns anything :)

As a nurse it is not. LOL


I don't care how old you are potty humor is funny.  :weee

Even funnier on byc

Does anyone want 3 Red Sex Link hens? They are almost 1yr and are laying well. I am thinking that I'd like to find them a new home that way I can get 3 more different  hens. That and I"m working on getting a few more ducks and it might go over a little better if I find 3 new homes. They are the 3 that I have a hard time telling apart. They are super sweet and would make someone great pets too. They come when they are called and are so sweet like all my girls. If you or anyone that you know would like a small started flock let me know. I thought that I would ask here first.

Ohhh where are you located?
Nope.  Haven't told her that, cuz I would be lieing.   I am not sorry she is in pain because she has been told for decades to change her ways and made the choice to keep up abusing her body.  This is the natural outcome for her choices.   I give her hugs daily.   They don't help.  She is just a person who whines about everything.  The size of the person in the next check out lane.  The wait for a table at the resturant SHE chose.  The size of her clothes. (which is size 6, up from Barbie Doll size 4 in the past 10 years)  I used to think that my father divorced her because he was a jerk.  Much later he told me "there is no pleasing her".   I believe him now.  Case in point, I once drove the long way from NC back to NY to show her the Smokie Mountains.  She complained she couldn't see anything because of all the "fog".   Hand to God, she really said that.  Add to that personality flaw, a tramatic brain injury and decades of heavy drinking, she's a mess.  Gotta love her tho, she does try to keep her life straight and only asks for help when she has totally screwed things up.

On the way home from my newspapers today the biggest fox I have seen up close comes running down my block towards my car. I am dumbstruck as we never have foxes here. The fox stops to bark at my car and continues to run off. Soon as we pull into the driveway I throw on my coop shoes and go to check on the flock. Soon as I open the back door I hear noise around the coop. I grab a broom (no guns allowed because I am not a good shot and live in a residential area) Thankfully I had left one dog outside on accident when I left for papers and I grab one of the others still inside the house and make my way out to the coop. Turns out the noise was a VERY early rising Easter Egger who had just laid her egg and has the most aweful sounding egg song I've ever heard! I walked around the inside of the run and made sure all my fence was still good, I did a head count but in the dark with the crappy iphone light it wasn't easy and I didn't want to wake up the flock as the others were still sleeping. I saw 20 out of 23 chickens but I know that there are two who roost on the supports behind the roosting bar.

I don't know if my dog chased off the fox, or if this fox was just sizing up the situation, or if it was traveling from one forested area to another. I am just thankful that I didn't open the coop to a massacre.
It's Fun Day at Toggenburg, so I'm up at 5:45 to start my chili to warming in the crockpot for the chili competition. See its fun already. It is nice that it won't be -20 for the folks, but 30 would be better than 40 for skiing....I think I'd rather be home doing things that 40 is good for. Cass, do I sound like your mom? I'm gonna drink more coffee to take care of that.

Have a good day everyone. Happy February.
Cass - I really admire your outlook toward your mother ! My has an attitude that can depress Richard Simmons ! but she is a solid and honest thing ... so I take as much as I can and then go away. Good with Bad - and no need to excuse the bad.

Skinny leghorn hen eating well - so I hope she starts to put on weight soon - at least she made it through the low temps - the other must have been too malnourished when she got here.

Can't wait for March & April so I can start to mark the plum saplings ! Looks like they will find lots of new homes. Also going to start chainsawing up some fallen big branches ....

JLaw - your place looks nice from that view - just hit one project at a time and by next fall you will really be pleased at home much you have done.
The murder hen struck again! At least I suspect it was her. She had been duking it out with Puff for the last two days, and today I found poor Puff dead in the run with the back of her head pecked bloody. I'm gonna have to name this hen Lizzie Borden I think. It's weird because she left the two leghorns alone and doesn't even think of going after any of the other birds.I don't know what sets her off. Of course, I never saw her kill Puff and she had no blood on her, so it may have been another bird in my flock, but I've never had them kill newcomers before.
Ack!!! Seriously, none of the other hens here are crazy lizzie borden murder hens.. no wonder they kicked her out.. of course, the other cochins are LF and twice her size. How the heck could a little hen be such a psycho? So sorry pyxis =(

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