NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning All,
Was up way earlier than I wanted to be again this morning. I think I was up at 6am or earlier every single day this week. I think I need to find a new spot already for this pups crate. When my husband gets up to get ready for work (anywhere between 4am-6am depending on the day) the dog can see him and thinks it's time to "get up and get the day started" So I end up waking up, bringing him outside and then crashing back on the couch while he lays on his bed in the living room beside me. Other than that, he's been a great dog. He's already learned the basic commands, actually I think the one he knows best is "Go lay down", he goes right over to his bed and lays right down. My dachshund doesn't even do that. Next thing I have to work on is the barking. I don't mind that he barks when someone is at the door but with two of them, my dachshunds always starts, Jagger to follows, Charlie hears him and keeps at it and it's just back and forth like a tennis ball after that. I have to quiet Charlie in order to quiet Jagger and I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet.

On the chicken front I have a question for you all, (or those who "wrap their runs" with the plastic) where do you get the clear plastic stuff I see some of you placing over your runs?? I'd like to get some. I know my mother purchases something similar by the roll but she needs it to wrap the curtains she makes. Plus it's not wide enough, I wanna say it only comes on a 3-4ft wide roll. The plastic Im seeing almost looks like a tarp but clear.

My deer netting I had stapled over the top of my run had to come down yesterday. The snow had actually sat at on top of it instead of falling thru it. I did not expect that at all with how thin that stuff is. So I took that down and used some of these big maple boards that were longer than the width of my run and a little over a foot wide to place over the top of my run to keep the hawks out. Some snow will still fall thru which I'm not totally worried about, it's more the hawks I worry about. Speaking of my cheeps, I'm sure they are dying to get out of their coop so I better run over there and let them out.
Gramma- sorry about your girl
you tried your best.

Aqha - glad your girls are doing better!

So who decreed that chickens should molt at this time of year??? Couple of my girls are about naked poor things! Still, at least they stay in the barn out of the weather.....
So, accidentally ran across some hunter tracks in the 'back forty' - no-one has permission, so I guess I'm going to be sitting in the swamp before sunrise to try and catch 'em! Cheeky buggers!! No-one has asked and the posted signs are clearly visible. Anyone who can't see them shouldn't be hunting with such a visual deficit.........wish me luck. If I don't post again, I guess I got shot...
be careful approaching hunters ..i no i have run into some shady people in the woods hunting..you never no what they may do ..i had a group of hunters try and steal my shotgun while hunting deer ..it can get pretty scarry if they are up to no good ..they didnt have any trouble breaking the law by going on your posted property in the first place ..so you never no what may happen ..so be careful..
Morning All,
Was up way earlier than I wanted to be again this morning. I think I was up at 6am or earlier every single day this week. I think I need to find a new spot already for this pups crate. When my husband gets up to get ready for work (anywhere between 4am-6am depending on the day) the dog can see him and thinks it's time to "get up and get the day started" So I end up waking up, bringing him outside and then crashing back on the couch while he lays on his bed in the living room beside me. Other than that, he's been a great dog. He's already learned the basic commands, actually I think the one he knows best is "Go lay down", he goes right over to his bed and lays right down. My dachshund doesn't even do that. Next thing I have to work on is the barking. I don't mind that he barks when someone is at the door but with two of them, my dachshunds always starts, Jagger to follows, Charlie hears him and keeps at it and it's just back and forth like a tennis ball after that. I have to quiet Charlie in order to quiet Jagger and I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet.

On the chicken front I have a question for you all, (or those who "wrap their runs" with the plastic) where do you get the clear plastic stuff I see some of you placing over your runs?? I'd like to get some. I know my mother purchases something similar by the roll but she needs it to wrap the curtains she makes. Plus it's not wide enough, I wanna say it only comes on a 3-4ft wide roll. The plastic Im seeing almost looks like a tarp but clear.

My deer netting I had stapled over the top of my run had to come down yesterday. The snow had actually sat at on top of it instead of falling thru it. I did not expect that at all with how thin that stuff is. So I took that down and used some of these big maple boards that were longer than the width of my run and a little over a foot wide to place over the top of my run to keep the hawks out. Some snow will still fall thru which I'm not totally worried about, it's more the hawks I worry about. Speaking of my cheeps, I'm sure they are dying to get out of their coop so I better run over there and let them out.

I buy it at HD. Thick is good. I tried some 12x9 drop cloths but it was too thin and the chickens pecked it apart.

As for the top, I'm not familiar with your run but you could run your boards and then staple cardboard over that. I used to buy the culled ply wood or whatever HD had and laid that over the top.

I did have to redo my runs so they were sloped as the weight of the snow broke one the first year. I used tarps once too but they weren't very good.

A little snow won't bother the chickens. I sorta think they like it.

ta, ta for now,

Morning All,
Was up way earlier than I wanted to be again this morning. I think I was up at 6am or earlier every single day this week. I think I need to find a new spot already for this pups crate. When my husband gets up to get ready for work (anywhere between 4am-6am depending on the day) the dog can see him and thinks it's time to "get up and get the day started" So I end up waking up, bringing him outside and then crashing back on the couch while he lays on his bed in the living room beside me. Other than that, he's been a great dog. He's already learned the basic commands, actually I think the one he knows best is "Go lay down", he goes right over to his bed and lays right down. My dachshund doesn't even do that. Next thing I have to work on is the barking. I don't mind that he barks when someone is at the door but with two of them, my dachshunds always starts, Jagger to follows, Charlie hears him and keeps at it and it's just back and forth like a tennis ball after that. I have to quiet Charlie in order to quiet Jagger and I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet.

On the chicken front I have a question for you all, (or those who "wrap their runs" with the plastic) where do you get the clear plastic stuff I see some of you placing over your runs?? I'd like to get some. I know my mother purchases something similar by the roll but she needs it to wrap the curtains she makes. Plus it's not wide enough, I wanna say it only comes on a 3-4ft wide roll. The plastic Im seeing almost looks like a tarp but clear.

My deer netting I had stapled over the top of my run had to come down yesterday. The snow had actually sat at on top of it instead of falling thru it. I did not expect that at all with how thin that stuff is. So I took that down and used some of these big maple boards that were longer than the width of my run and a little over a foot wide to place over the top of my run to keep the hawks out. Some snow will still fall thru which I'm not totally worried about, it's more the hawks I worry about. Speaking of my cheeps, I'm sure they are dying to get out of their coop so I better run over there and let them out.
the life of a dog owner..lol..i no it seems like the one morn you think you can stay in bed just a little bit longer .is the morning they all want up and atom...i take care of the birds every morning about 7 and on saturdays i can wait till 830..but my dogs want fed ..heck even the cats wont let me sleep ..he crawls up on me and sits there staring at me till i get up or he likes to rub his wet cold nose on my feet that stick out from under the covers ..

i use that netting as well ..i use a 2x2 thats about 10 feet long and prop it up in the middle and it seems to help the snow fall threw it better ..i no the first time i seen it sitting with a foot of snow on it , that maybe thats not the best cover for the top of the run ..but its been aqlmost 2 yrs now and its still working with the 2x2 proping up the middle ..
On the chicken front I have a question for you all, (or those who "wrap their runs" with the plastic) where do you get the clear plastic stuff I see some of you placing over your runs?? I'd like to get some. I know my mother purchases something similar by the roll but she needs it to wrap the curtains she makes. Plus it's not wide enough, I wanna say it only comes on a 3-4ft wide roll. The plastic Im seeing almost looks like a tarp but clear.

We have some painters plastic. It comes in big rolls and comes in different lengths and is like 12' wide. You can get in in different "mil"s. They should have some at any of the big hardware stores or paint supply stores . I wish that I could find some of the stuff I remember as a kid. My dad found a roll of clear vinyl that we used on our windows. That stuff was tough!..and made a great dry erase board on the windows..
be careful approaching hunters ..i no i have run into some shady people in the woods hunting..you never no what they may do ..i had a group of hunters try and steal my shotgun while hunting deer ..it can get pretty scarry if they are up to no good ..they didnt have any trouble breaking the law by going on your posted property in the first place ..so you never no what may happen ..so be careful..

Thank you for the warning - I did roust 1 hunter this morning. Needless to say he was none too pleased. However, a ****** off woman with a shotgun should not be argued with........I think he realized that too
Morning All,
Charlie hears him and keeps at it and it's just back and forth like a tennis ball after that. or an echo....how about SSSHHHH! it works for most animals even chickens
I have to quiet Charlie in order to quiet Jagger and I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet.

On the chicken front I have a question for you all, (or those who "wrap their runs" with the plastic) where do you get the clear plastic stuff I see some of you placing over your runs?? I'd like to get some.
Plastic Sheeting ...do they have Loews or Home Depot up there ? it comes in a huge roll with different thicknesses - ML
Plastic Sheeting ...do they have Loews or Home Depot up there ? it comes in a huge roll with different thicknesses - ML

They have it in different mils. When I worked in a Blue Stone quarry we would build plastic buildings the size of barns, like giant greenhouses to be easier working in the winter, with a wood stove in it.
The plastic on them came in huge rolls and would last a few years, the sun eventualy does it in.
I don't put plastic on our cop or run though, and we get subzero temps. Never seemed to bother the chickens, remember wild turkeys and grouse live outside in it. Just got to check for eggs more often, otherwise they freeze and crack. They are probably still good but we always fed those ones to the dogs.
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They have it in different mils. When I worked in a Blue Stone quarry we would build plastic buildings the size of barns, like giant greenhouses to be easier working in the winter, with a wood stove in it.
The plastic on them came in huge rolls and would last a few years, the sun eventualy does it in.
I don't put plastic on our cop or run though, and we get subzero temps. Never seemed to bother the chickens, remember wild turkeys and grouse live outside in it. Just got to check for eggs more often, otherwise they freeze and crack. They are probably still good but we always fed those ones to the dogs.

I have two hoops with no runs but I like to cover the runs and open a bale of hay/straw so they can be out of the snow. Not so much to protect them from the cold.


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