NY chicken lover!!!!

Wanted to pop in and say Hi and post a pic of the girls from today's roll in the mud :)

Thank you all who posted about the hoop coop! It's definitely a viable option for us, especially if I can find a way to get those cattle panels home.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday :)

Quote: We went with plastic coz it was cheap . It is around 3 feet high . stakes are about 6 ft or more apart ...you can tell where to put them as you put it up ..
it will lean if it doesnt have enough support
It is pulled down some in places we just stapled it to a thin board ..
It has been up through 2 winters ..so that isnt surprizing .
The chickens usually dont get in . unless I forget & leave the gate open . they respect the fence.
I also have one between us & the house next door to prevent easy access to her flowers
They go in when the garden is done . The gate is open right now for them

Any one else have muck pits in the front of the coop ?
I love that it isnt snowing ...dont care for the muck....though ..
I shoveled it out - the escaped bedding & mud ...muck ...nasty stuff ....And replaced it with this ...
2 x 4 s and stones I took from the garden ..I think it might drain better now
We still have snow on the ground, so no muck for us yet. It's always terrible in early spring though. I've had one leghorn pick up laying in the last four days, and she hasn't missed a day since she started. They're monster eggs too. Wouldn't you know she gives up laying because of shorter days, then picks up again on literally the shortest days of the year. Hens, who knows! Definitely not complaining about the eggs though. I have one egg customer who's been on me to get some eggs so she'll be happy.

Also, don't let anyone tell you you can't candle quail eggs! I was candling my eggs the other night and decided to, just for fun, candle the quail egg I had tossed in there to see what would happen. I saw a teeny tiny little embryo growing. So it can be done with a bright enough flashlight! Now let's just hope it hatches female because I need more hens. I picked up two more eggs today from the quails so I'll toss them in.
My pasture and run are muddy, mucky, messes! But it's almost 50 degrees here so I'm not complaining. The chickens don't care about the mud and mess and are out constantly. They don't like the cold and snow as much...
Our twenty foot tall blowup santa ($60 at dollar general only paid $5 after Christmas how much is their markup!), needed some adjustments this morning when we turned him on. He was covered in bugs and slugs when he stood up so I let the girls out to play.
Merry Christmas Eve to all my fellow chicken addicts! Despite the rain everyone was out puttering around getting soaked. The big girls feasted while my middle daughter and I prepped and cooked various dishes for tomorrow. They will eat well again tomorrow. My wish for all of you is that the new year bring you better health, a little more wealth, a laying flock and lots of new peeps! Stuff comes and goes, family and friends are forever. Live well, Love much and Forgive often. May Gods many blessings be upon all of you.

For those who celebrate Christmas. Merry Christmas. For those who celebrate something else I hope it's good.



(I figure God doesn't "give" us peace on earth because it's something we can "give" ourselves)

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