NY chicken lover!!!!

Rancher I've never tried it but I heard fermented feed is good for gut flora.
My welsummer laid a darker more spotted egg today the one on the bottom right.
I know this isn't the most popular animal among chicken keepers,
but wanted to share this photo. I encountered this solitary eastern coyote while driving around on errands yesterday. I always keep my camera handy, and got very lucky to snap a few shots before it trotted off. Although we've picked up coyotes on our trail cam now and then (and hear them yapping around our property), we've only seen them on a few occasions. They are pretty elusive and shy. Sure, some individuals can become nuisance animals and get into trouble; but for the most part, these apex predators play a valuable role in our region's ecosystem and keep populations of rodents, rabbits, squirrels, etc. in balance. Regardless of how you feel about coyotes, it's easy to appreciate the beauty of this particular animal. Big and healthy...and that coat must do the trick during these frigid spells!


as always - beautiful photo. Do you go in for competitions etc.? I'm sure some of the local magazines would pay for your work....
very nice photo, hard to believe they only weigh 40-50 lbs on average, they look alot heavier than that i just had one chasing two deer right through my yard!
Very nice photo! A lot of predators are beautiful...as long as they aren't bothering anyone animals!.. I love looking at foxes as long as they are far away from my chickens...Kind of like mice and snakes...they are fine as long as they are not in my house...come in my house and they are dead meat!

Thanks, LuvMyChicks.... I getcha.

Yup, TOB, even the foreground and background are interesting. You must be a pro !

Thanks so much, Glass, but it's just a hobby that I enjoy very much!

as always - beautiful photo. Do you go in for competitions etc.? I'm sure some of the local magazines would pay for your work....

BOSKELLI - Thank you very much! I've only entered a few contests over the years and usually do well. I've had a few nature images printed in the Post Standard as well. Mostly, I just share the better photo's with friends and family, framing the best ones and using many for things like calendars, etc. I appreciate the compliment, though! Just an addictive hobby; suppose I could have worse obsessions!

HUNTIN FOOL - you are right; the average male tops out around 40 lbs or so, give or take a few pounds. Their super thick coat creates an illusion of a much bulkier animal and people think they are bigger than they really are.

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My mom had one pipe to her main bathroom freeze last week; luckily, no burst pipe(s). We finally got it defrosted, so to speak. Cringe every time the mercury flirts with 0. It's uncivilized, I tell you!!
Just HATE it...

I agree the single digits and below are rough -- throw in that brutal stretch of wind and it's beyond rough. My girls just chose to stay in one or two days, even though their pullet-shut door was open. The coop is plenty roomy for just 4 birds, and I had just changed bedding before the deep freeze, so they were pretty content. So far, no frost bite. I think because I have a few less birds this winter, the air stays dryer inside the coop.

You made me laugh with your one liners, Rancher. I could almost hear the ba-da-dum of the drum. On a more serious note, I do hope your Marans tummy issues clear. My Marans had that problem earlier in the season and then took ill. (She is better now, as you may recall.) I did soak her in a warm bath (bum end only) and then blow dried her and gave her a night inside. That seemed to help. To be honest, I haven't used Mothers in a while, and maybe that would be a good idea. Or feed yogurt? Not sure mine would eat it; they've never had it. That would help to balance the flora count in your hens, perhaps?


I'm sure they'll love yogurt. I mix it with feed.

Rancher I've never tried it but I heard fermented feed is good for gut flora.
My welsummer laid a darker more spotted egg today the one on the bottom right.

I'm considering buying some heated dog bowls to put FF in. They should keep it soft enough to eat right?
0. It's uncivilized, I tell you!!
Just HATE it..ME TOO

. To be honest, I haven't used Mothers in a while, and maybe that would be a good idea. Or feed yogurt? Not sure mine would eat it; they've never had it. That would help to balance the flora count in your hens, perhaps?

Yes Yogurt ..will help ...if they look like they wont try it ..
Put some scratch or sun flower seeds in it they will try it then ..
Better in warm weather ...they make a total mess all over themselves & everywhere
it's easy to appreciate the beauty of this particular animal. Big and healthy...and that coat must do the trick during these frigid spells!

TOB Pictures are beautiful YOU SHOULD TRY TO Publish them

My welsummer laid a darker more spotted egg today the one on the bottom right.
It looks like she is getting a handle on the spots
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