NY chicken lover!!!!

Although it's a 'private order' you are ordering from a business - that makes it commercial - sorry!

You know, now I'm going to have to go over the new USDA regs carefully.. I am a registered business. As a technically commercial seller I wonder if this changes my ability to sell at swaps. The bulk of what I hatch goes downstate as meat, but my heritage and rare breeds are always sold live as breeding birds. Everything in my incubators at the moment have buyers attached, except for the best of the Anconas, which I will keep.
I'm worried now...
This is from the NYS Ag & Markets page for those of you concerned about avian flu and the current regs:

State Agriculture Commissioner Announces New Regulations to Prevent Spread of Avian Influenza in Poultry in New York State

State Animal Health Officials Stress Severity of Avian Influenza Outbreak and Provide Best Practices to Help Poultry Farms and Their Visitors Avoid Transfer of the Virus

Current Influenza Strains are Not a Threat to the Public
State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball today announced new regulations restricting the movement of poultry into the state to prevent the spread of strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry flocks in New York State. The rapidly expanding viral outbreak has already affected nearly 50 million birds in the Midwest and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has confirmed that the current outbreak is the worst in U.S. history.
The new regulations require that all live poultry moved into New York must be:
  • From a source flock in which 30 birds were tested for avian influenza within ten days prior to entry into New York State; or
  • From a source flock that has been certified by the state of origin as an Avian Influenza Monitored Flock; or
  • From a source flock certified as clean of HPAI under the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP).
All hatching eggs and day-old chicks imported into New York must be from a source flock certified as clean of HPAI under the NPIP.
“The U.S. is in uncharted waters with this disease, and we need to exercise every bit of caution to minimize the incidence of avian influenza in our state’s poultry population,” Commissioner Ball said. “New York’s poultry industry is an important part of the state’s agriculture economy and this regulation will build on the proactive measures already taken—from the ban of all fowl exhibits and competitions at fairs to rigorous testing of birds moving into the marketing system—to continue to safeguard our flocks.”
According to the USDA, 10% of the egg-laying hens in the U.S. have already been lost as well as over 6% of the nation's live turkey inventory. States such as Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Nebraska have sustained the greatest damage to their poultry farms. HPAI has not been found in poultry flocks in New York State or in neighboring states, though it has been found in two flocks in the Canadian province of Ontario.
Agriculture officials such as Department of Agriculture and Markets State Veterinarian Dr. David Smith recognize the threat to farm livelihoods posed by this disease. With a total domestic poultry population of about 7.5 million birds, New York’s poultry industry generates roughly $150 million in sales annually.
"HPAI can wipe out an entire egg-laying flock in less than a week and we still don't fully understand how it spread so quickly from farm to farm in the Upper Midwest,” Dr. Smith said. “While we hope hot, dry summer weather will slow down the virus spread, that is by no means certain. We encourage everyone who keeps poultry to be very careful about minimizing their birds' exposure to avian influenza.”
The Department today also released publications intended to raise awareness about biosecurity measures and help poultry farms and visitors to poultry farms learn how to prevent the introduction and spread of HPAI. The fact sheets (available at http://www.agriculture.ny.gov/AI/bird_flu.html) created by Dr. Smith and his staff provide information on best practices farmers and visitors can use to avoid carrying the virus into or out of farms.
Among the practices outlined in the fact sheets are tips for poultry farms:
  • Require all visitors to use covers on their footwear and to disinfect all footwear.
  • Lock all entrances to chicken houses after hours.
  • Ask all visitors if they have had any contact with any kind of bird in the past five days.
  • Forbid from entry employees and visitors who own any kind of fowl.
  • Discourage unnecessary visitors and use biosecurity signs to warn people not to enter buildings without permission.
Among the tips for visitors:
  • Never enter a farm without permission.
  • Wear clean clothes and shoes for any visit to a farm.
  • Stay in the parking lot on arrival and call for an escort onto the farm.
  • Do not touch animals unless it's part of your job.
  • Report anything unusual, especially sick or dead birds.
While experts are concerned about HPAI's impact on farms, they also emphasize that the virus subtypes that are causing the current outbreak are not a threat to the public. Officials stress that chicken and eggs are safe to eat. Food safety experts all recommend that chicken must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees and that raw poultry must be properly handled to protect against all types of food-borne illness.
“It’s important for New Yorkers to understand that Avian Influenza poses little threat to humans,” said New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker. “Most cases of human infection have been the result of direct, prolonged contact with infected birds or exposure to heavily contaminated environments. As long as people avoid sick or dead animals, practice good hygiene and properly cook their poultry, there should be little concern.”
Avian influenza outbreaks are not uncommon, but the current outbreak is particularly deadly to birds. The outbreak is concentrated in two strains of influenza – H5N2 and H5N8. Influenza has been found in birds on more than 210 farms in 15 states and in wild birds in five more states in the West, Midwest and South, and two Canadian provinces.
In addition to this new regulation and the recent ban of fowl exhibits at the New York State Fair, all county fairs held in the state, and all chartered youth fairs, New York is taking a strongly proactive stance with suppliers, distributors, and live bird markets in attempting to prevent the spread of avian influenza and prevent birds with influenza from crossing into the state. Bird flocks intended for the live bird sales market must test negative for avian influenza before they can move into the marketing system. Once birds are in the marketing system, state officials verify test records and monitor sanitation levels at the live bird markets.
In addition, employees of the Department’s Division of Animal Industry routinely test poultry in live bird markets for avian influenza. In 2014, approximately 35,000 birds in the New York live bird marketing system were tested for the disease. Any bird that tests positive is traced back to its original flock to address possible infections. Any market that tests positive for influenza is depopulated of birds, and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. It cannot open until passing an inspection and test for avian influenza.
An Avian Influenza Biosecurity Brochure is also available at http://www.agriculture.ny.gov/HPAI_Brochure.pdf and on the Department’s Facebook page. For more information, please visit the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets website at www.agriculture.ny.gov.
Didn't want to but couldn't find the breed I was looking for, white jersey giants. Not on BYC and not on the National Jersey Giant Club anywhere nearby. No one seems to have the white ones. only a couple big hatcheries have them, and I didn't want theirs. After I ordered them I found one breeder in PA, ohh well. SandHill's are a closed flock of the Golda Miller line, a well known breeder of giants. Maria Hall ended up with her blacks after she died and sells black blue and splash at premium prices, but her birds are close to perfect. SandHill admits some of their whites will not meet SOP standards, I'm hoping they don't mean for size, I will work with them IF I get them. Why do I want them? Giant capons, what they were bred for. You want to see some jacked up prices check out how much capons go for, and I guarantee they are not giants, $79 each! Crazy! Not saying I'm going to get into that market but for now I can fill the family freezer IF I get them. IF I get them It will be over a year to figure out the breeding stock and start hatching for capons anyway.
I understand. There are few who keep and sustainable flocks of many breeds. This is why they're considered endangered.
Has anyone in the central part of the state sent anything to auction lately? I was getting rid of a few extra roosters, a nine month old, and 3 2 month old babies, and I was pleasantly surprised by what they went for. I have not sent anything off to auction for a while.
I don't. It's not worth the drive.
I don't. It's not worth the drive.
I tend to just send what I don't want to keep and can't sell, and expect that I will not get a lot for them. The 2 month olds (4 pounds each) went for 8, and the 9 month old sold for 21.

I am rather close (25 miles) so for me to get a 30 dollar check for 4 birds that I don't have to feed is worth it.

I was trying to sell the 9 month old as a breeder (Nice bird) and no one wanted to pay more then 10.
A friend of mine had one of his chickens hit by a car yesterday. He thought that he was going to be getting out of chickens as they die off of old age, but he has a change of heart as his demand has grown. He is looking to get 4-5 Buff Orpingtons about 1 year-1.5 year max near Syracuse, NY area. He is just looking for the buff orps...I told him that if he asked me to look or him a few weeks ago I'm sure that I could have gotten them at Chickenstock

 Anyone have anything close buy that might fit his description. I'm sure that I could travel a little for him, but don't want to go to far. He is a good guy and lets his birds free range all day with a nice big coop setup to lock them up at night...

Not sure about you getting them for chickenstock they were one of the breeds I asked for got no response
Well, Lacie goose didn't want the goslings she had hatched from the eggs, but she sure is interested in the keets. They now have a guard goose. However she's getting a bit too enthusiastic about it. She sits outside the crate that Ciel and the keets are in and she gives any birds that come close a hard time. She harassed poor Pepper today when she was trying to get in to lay her egg. I like that she wants to protect them but now I'm afraid she might try to 'protect' them from Ciel when I let them all out of the crate.
A friend of mine had one of his chickens hit by a car yesterday. He thought that he was going to be getting out of chickens as they die off of old age, but he has a change of heart as his demand has grown. He is looking to get 4-5 Buff Orpingtons about 1 year-1.5 year max near Syracuse, NY area. He is just looking for the buff orps...I told him that if he asked me to look or him a few weeks ago I'm sure that I could have gotten them at Chickenstock

 Anyone have anything close buy that might fit his description. I'm sure that I could travel a little for him, but don't want to go to far. He is a good guy and lets his birds free range all day with a nice big coop setup to lock them up at night...
sorry bout the blank post, a guy next door to me raises beauty wellsumers and buffs I can check it out for you I know he has 1 months old birds right now, I live in Virgil my let me know if u would like me to check it out
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