NY chicken lover!!!!

It may be too soon for her, less than a week of brooding before the chicks showed up. Try giving a chick to Miss Flakey Brain (supervised) and one to Number 3 (again supervised) to see if they will accept and defend the chicks. But more than likely you are stuck being momma.

I now have a second going broody. My black 3 year old Orp has been, so set 6 EE and 5 wellie eggs under her last week in the Eglu. She was brooding in the wall nest unit, but agreed to being transitioned to the Eglu before I would give her eggs. Now have my 1 year old mix hen that I hatched last summer sitting in the wall nest unit. And she is ferocious! Hermione would peck and complain, but this one flares her wings and neck out, hissing at you. She is going to get tossed in the bachelor pad with my lonely backup roo for a week. Hope to break her.

I was afraid of that. Man, I am striking out with these broodies...lol! At least Attila is doing well. We'll see what happens on Monday. Perhaps I will sneak an egg that is in the process of zipping. Maybe if it hatches under her, she'll think its her own.

Miss Flakey (Broody 2) has been a total witch when I've entered the coop. Pecking at my legs, flaring up at me, etc. Even though she's off the nest now (she chose to sleep on the roosting bar tonight), she's still acting witchy towards me.
I wouldn't give up hope on Broody #3 - but be prepared to raise the chicks. Yes, it is soon, but I've also had a 1st time hen who went broody for only a few days, had chicks hatch in the incubator & she adopted them. I had her in a plastic pet carrier, slipped the chicks under her at night, and covered it with a sheet or something to make it dark. Left them that way overnight, and they "bonded", so by morning she was ok with the chicks, even though she hadn't gone through the whole incubation process.
But, it just depends on the individual hen - some are ok with adopting, others have to go through the whole process.

About putting broody #3 over with Attila - not all broodies get along together - some fight to protect each of their broods, and others are willing to share; others don't mind each other, as long as they keep distant from each other. So, if broody #3 adopted the chicks, have a back-up plan for where to put her if she and Attila won't co-mingle. One idea is a plastic dog crate for the "coop" and a metal dog crate with hardware cloth zip tied to the outside for a "run". It'll at least work for a few weeks, then they could be transitioned back to the main flock.
Iwent out many times hoping to see more little heads, but momma has only let me see one, so I will have to be patient. Yes, gramma, since she added all those eggs, there is a significant time span. At first she was on and off the nest, so I wonder if she was keeping them vital but slowing development? I don't know how good her own eggs will hatch or fare, as Earl is the only rooster, and he is her father too...I don't have an incubator, so what will be, will be. Whenever I find myself wishing for an incubator, I realize that I would also need many more coops, and that isn't happening.
I won't be able to make it, but others might! Personally, I'm done with shows and chickenstocks and even buying eggs until the ban on shows is lifted, at least. I kid you not, there was a thread on here of someone who bought eggs from a person whose flock then turned out to have the flu. The eggs he bought were tested and came back negative. His flock was tested and came back negative. They were still going to destroy his whole flock. Not quarantine, destroy. The only reason they didn't is he got the media involved, so at the last minute they moved him back to quarantine status, and they could change their mind at any time. This is too scary for me. His birds weren't sick, the eggs he got were fine, and they were still going to destroy his whole flock. Nope. I'm done getting new birds until this thing dies down. Last thing I need is to lose my flock because I bought some eggs or went to a show that someone brought birds to that turned out to come from a flock that had flu.
What does everyone think of a fall chickenstock type show the date I am looking at is September 12th
If your hosting I won't complain about the date. Unless of course it's in winter.

Picked up some more fabric for chicken aprons. How were they received? JoAnns has a sale on fabric. Of course its DW who does the work.

What sorts of thing go well in the auction?

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