NY chicken lover!!!!

Hello all long time no see. I just want to thank Rancher for sending a post card asking if everything was ok. We are doing ok but we have decided to move back to Cincinnati,Oh. We are buying my parents old house. This house we cant get ahead and it really just needs torn down and rebuilt. This past winter pretty much was the final line when about 3 inches from the wall the floor dropped 1-2 inches.

We sold all chickens/turkeys already but will be selling other stuff if anyone wants anything i should be making a sell post on here tonight. From heat lights to a sportsman 1502. Already made one on craigslist the other night. Also appliances listed on craigs list 2 posts.

Sorry I haven't been on here much but between work and the kids doing sports and 4-H I haven't been online much. All spare time I've been reading books it seems.

Well there you are. I've been thinking of you and wondered if things were okay. Thought I might have to take a drive to find you.
A move to Ohio might not be so bad. Keep in mind you're not at the end of the road, just changing directions. Keep in touch if only to say you're still here. PM me your new address if you would.

Things crazy here of course with DW and her health issues.
Well there you are. I've been thinking of you and wondered if things were okay. Thought I might have to take a drive to find you.  :D    A move to Ohio might not be so bad. Keep in mind you're not at the end of the road, just changing directions. Keep in touch if only to say you're still here.  PM me your new address if you would. 

Things crazy here of course with DW and her health issues. 

JLaw, good luck with your move.
There you are, rancher. I hope your DW gets well soon.
Everyone else.

Buckwheat lost one of her eggs. I never thought of snakes so I will be checking hight and low in the coop. I have see digging around the run base and setting traps but have caught nothing.

I did set up the new hav a heart and caught a squirrel near the half hoop. I suspected it, since the Red birds (marsh daisies) seemed stay away from their coop.

WINTER prep.

1. I snow blow to my coops and those that don't have runs get a bit of a clearing. Doors are left open during the day for them and they do go out. Those coops with runs are covered with plastic and go out on dry ground pretty much or hay or straw. (SEE PICS) I was concerned I wouldn't be able to find affordable hay/straw but I did manage to get some delivered today.

2. I have nipple waterers but they dont' seem to get enough water. Still they are a good back up. Heated and only used in the winter. Chickens don't lay if not enough water. Chickens eggs contain more water than duck eggs.

3. Mareks. There is a nice video on Youtube. I've read that the vaccine is not 100% effective . Since I hatch my own it's not much help to me. However not to disagree with anyone, I take everything with a grain of salt and if I could use it I would. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I always say do what helps you sleep at night. I pretty much run a closed shop. I stopped feeding the wild birds when I got chickens since they can carry diseases.

4. I still have young ones and hope Buckwheat hatches her egg. The price of Chicks starter I use has gone up ridiculously. Dumor 20% protein. I will be changing since I can't afford $17.99 a bag. I think Agway may be cheaper, thought a bit lower in protein. Anyone got an opinion on this?

5. Pinky pie is here to stay. Thought my DDand hers will be taking care of her for the time being and when they move out ,
, will be taking her with them.

Well there you are. I've been thinking of you and wondered if things were okay. Thought I might have to take a drive to find you.
A move to Ohio might not be so bad. Keep in mind you're not at the end of the road, just changing directions. Keep in touch if only to say you're still here. PM me your new address if you would.

Things crazy here of course with DW and her health issues.
I will rancher. I will miss NY and the area we live in but we cant get out of under this house and it just aint worth it. We are worried about going down but know this will be a good thing and can't wait to give the kids a new area and a new start. I hope everything with your wife straightens out soon and you two have some nice relaxing time together, with out the health problems.
I'd love to move out of NY, better job opportunities anywhere else. Ohio is great right now, wife visited last yr when her aunt died. Her cousin said 'you can stay with us', she said her and her dad would feel more comfortable in a hotel. Cousin said there wasn't any available. Huh no hotels? "Plenty of them, all sold out to workers right now".
I've got a good job but will it stay? What are my kids opportunities?
Only thing keeping us here is my family has been here since the 1600s. And I hope to get back into our states bluestone industry again someday, I'm 7th generation on mom's side if I get back into it. Dad's still toughing it out into his 60s, but NY govt regs are getting harder for a man to make a living on his own.

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