NY chicken lover!!!!

Good morning everyone!

Thank you all for the responses. Some of you shared idea's that I'm not even sure you knew I was looking for. Hahaha

Well, I've been looking at videos of molting. I'm not at all sure my girls are molting. Specifically 3 EE's. I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow. 2 of them are brown EE's and they both have issues on their saddle and both I have cleaned on different days and had drops of blood where the feather shafts were. I'm mainly seeing raw skin on the saddle. One brown EE'er and the unsociable grey EE'er were afraid to eat from my hand today too though those two tend to be more timid anyways. Something was definitely off in the hen house today. One of the smaller girls (golden laced wyandotte) started attacking my brown EE'er. I swatted that little feisty one off the perch. I'm not at all sure I should be getting involved in the hen hierarchy but I did just to keep her from agitating that spot. I'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them to see what you will all think. It's either the pecking order or mites. I haven't seen any but then I haven't checked vents or other areas.

Aside from using DE, what else are you all using to keep mites, lice, etc. from infesting? Is this an issue that is more likely to happen anyways and I should just prepare myself for? Or will me taking the time to use DE on the girls and their bedding going to help a great deal? I've also been feeding them the fermented food. We have to add more apples or carrots to it just to switch it up.

I also think they're board. I'm going to put some old cd's around a rope and hang them. Add some birdie treats. While I have bags of pine shavings in the coop to keep them warm, I'm still slow to get those bales of straw in their run. Where are you Onondaga, Cayuga and Oswego Co. folks buying your hay? I saw someone mention on craigslist straw but they said some had grass in them. I was figuring this isn't something we'd want. I'm also thinking it's too late to buy straw off the farmers now? Does this mean one of the tractor supplies or Runnings?

Our Pekingese seems to be doing well with the girls. I wouldn't let her scot free of course, but she seems to be caring more about the predators than anything else. Sometimes she'll see one out of line and has the need to round them up. They mostly don't seem to be bothered with her and her with them.

Are you all ready for Christmas? It's a minimal Christmas here. Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. We're keeping Christ in Christmas and doing Advent and Gramma & Grampa are doing the santa thing. I'm an only child and so our little bear is the only grandchild on my side. She won't need for a thing. We're getting some gifts ready for neighbors and some seniors who are living by themselves, a widow that my husband works with. Trying to teach our little one to give more than expecting to receive. She's so young that we're just sharing with her the gift we become when we give especially in secret to bless someone in the course of their day. A little balance.

We're snuggling and hunkering down with the cooler weather like a family. I have lots of hot cocoa stocked and non-dairy as well as dairy cream to go with it. The music is out and we're trying to drown out all the violence going on lately. I had to have my husband call his mom to be sure she was okay because someone punched a 71 year old woman in the face in his home town. Who does that?! What is this world coming to?!

I think I'll just hunker down with my family, the dog, cats and our fluffy butts and relax in our own lala-land.
Well, I've been looking at videos of molting. I'm not at all sure my girls are molting. Specifically 3 EE's. I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow. 2 of them are brown EE's and they both have issues on their saddle and both I have cleaned on different days and had drops of blood where the feather shafts were. I'm mainly seeing raw skin on the saddle.
Do you have any "Blue coat"? (Protective spray you can get at TSC) When I see any blood or any area that looks bloody i spray it with blue coat. It will make it invisible to the others so they won't go after it.

I just lost my bedding source, They didn't put up enough hay. Hoping to source another one soon.

We are not doing a big Christmas this year. No one needs anything and I don't feel the need to go in debt to buy "junk". I was going to make a craft for people or something... My only daughter is heading to college next year...she has chosen a school in Florida. I may just go with her!
Im behind toooo ...but I do my wintering ... as weather permits or makes me ..as it gets colder I do more wintering

Sorry you lost so many of your babies.
Do you have any of the blue isbars left ?
Thank you for sharing your dog ordeal ......and the solution ..
I am going to save that for future references
Hi Gramma- I lost my beautiful blue isbar roo from Greenfire and one before him. Both boys died as they strolled with my blue hen. She's gorgeous and a wonderful flyer. I have one last blue roo but his comb is flopped.
Good morning everyone!

Thank you all for the responses. Some of you shared idea's that I'm not even sure you knew I was looking for. Hahaha

Well, I've been looking at videos of molting. I'm not at all sure my girls are molting. Specifically 3 EE's. I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow. 2 of them are brown EE's and they both have issues on their saddle and both I have cleaned on different days and had drops of blood where the feather shafts were. I'm mainly seeing raw skin on the saddle. One brown EE'er and the unsociable grey EE'er were afraid to eat from my hand today too though those two tend to be more timid anyways. Something was definitely off in the hen house today. One of the smaller girls (golden laced wyandotte) started attacking my brown EE'er. I swatted that little feisty one off the perch. I'm not at all sure I should be getting involved in the hen hierarchy but I did just to keep her from agitating that spot. I'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them to see what you will all think. It's either the pecking order or mites. I haven't seen any but then I haven't checked vents or other areas.

Aside from using DE, what else are you all using to keep mites, lice, etc. from infesting? Is this an issue that is more likely to happen anyways and I should just prepare myself for? Or will me taking the time to use DE on the girls and their bedding going to help a great deal? I've also been feeding them the fermented food. We have to add more apples or carrots to it just to switch it up.

I also think they're board. I'm going to put some old cd's around a rope and hang them. Add some birdie treats. While I have bags of pine shavings in the coop to keep them warm, I'm still slow to get those bales of straw in their run. Where are you Onondaga, Cayuga and Oswego Co. folks buying your hay? I saw someone mention on craigslist straw but they said some had grass in them. I was figuring this isn't something we'd want. I'm also thinking it's too late to buy straw off the farmers now? Does this mean one of the tractor supplies or Runnings?

Our Pekingese seems to be doing well with the girls. I wouldn't let her scot free of course, but she seems to be caring more about the predators than anything else. Sometimes she'll see one out of line and has the need to round them up. They mostly don't seem to be bothered with her and her with them.

Are you all ready for Christmas? It's a minimal Christmas here. Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. We're keeping Christ in Christmas and doing Advent and Gramma & Grampa are doing the santa thing. I'm an only child and so our little bear is the only grandchild on my side. She won't need for a thing. We're getting some gifts ready for neighbors and some seniors who are living by themselves, a widow that my husband works with. Trying to teach our little one to give more than expecting to receive. She's so young that we're just sharing with her the gift we become when we give especially in secret to bless someone in the course of their day. A little balance.

We're snuggling and hunkering down with the cooler weather like a family. I have lots of hot cocoa stocked and non-dairy as well as dairy cream to go with it. The music is out and we're trying to drown out all the violence going on lately. I had to have my husband call his mom to be sure she was okay because someone punched a 71 year old woman in the face in his home town. Who does that?! What is this world coming to?!

I think I'll just hunker down with my family, the dog, cats and our fluffy butts and relax in our own lala-land.

Good morning - can't remember - do you have roosters? If so, the bare backs could be from the attention of the rooster. As far as lice/mites go - I'm lazy I guess. I check the girls every couple of weeks or so, if I find cooties I dust with an insecticidal poultry powder the first week then DE the 2nd week, recheck the 3rd week. I don't dust everyone unless they are scratching like crazy.
Have you tried making a cabbage tetherball? It will keep them busy for awhile, also a rolypoly treat dispenser?
Our Christmas will be quiet - just the 2 of us and the critters. I lkie to donate money to Heifer.org - they seem to do a pretty good job of helping people. Money will be tight this year though - disability has emptied the coffers
. Back to work today!
We're snuggling and hunkering down with the cooler weather like a family. I have lots of hot cocoa stocked and non-dairy as well as dairy cream to go with it. The music is out and we're trying to drown out all the violence going on lately. I had to have my husband call his mom to be sure she was okay because someone punched a 71 year old woman in the face in his home town. Who does that?! What is this world coming to?!

I think I'll just hunker down with my family, the dog, cats and our fluffy butts and relax in our own lala-land.
I don't like walking down Main St, but would when needed. I work at one end of Main St, Hubby works just off the other end. We carpool, so if I got out early I would walk down to wait while he got done. Hubby has declared I will no longer walk down the street, which I agree with. This town is going down the drain.
Hi Gramma- I lost my beautiful blue isbar roo from Greenfire and one before him. Both boys died as they strolled with my blue hen. She's gorgeous and  a wonderful flyer.  I have one last blue roo but his comb is flopped. 

I have four isbar eggs in the incubator right now, not quite sure if they'll be blue or splash. Ordered from a byc'er. I won't keep all if you'd be interested.
Do you have any "Blue coat"? (Protective spray you can get at TSC) When I see any blood or any area that looks bloody i spray it with blue coat. It will make it invisible to the others so they won't go after it.

I just lost my bedding source, They didn't put up enough hay. Hoping to source another one soon.

We are not doing a big Christmas this year. No one needs anything and I don't feel the need to go in debt to buy "junk". I was going to make a craft for people or something... My only daughter is heading to college next year...she has chosen a school in Florida. I may just go with her!
I don't have any but I saw it on YOUTUBE as I was looking up idea's. Sorry to hear about your bedding source. I may have one option but I'm not sure yet. Florida would be just lovely.

Good morning - can't remember - do you have roosters? If so, the bare backs could be from the attention of the rooster. As far as lice/mites go - I'm lazy I guess. I check the girls every couple of weeks or so, if I find cooties I dust with an insecticidal poultry powder the first week then DE the 2nd week, recheck the 3rd week. I don't dust everyone unless they are scratching like crazy.
Have you tried making a cabbage tetherball? It will keep them busy for awhile, also a rolypoly treat dispenser?
Our Christmas will be quiet - just the 2 of us and the critters. I lkie to donate money to Heifer.org - they seem to do a pretty good job of helping people. Money will be tight this year though - disability has emptied the coffers
. Back to work today!
I'll have to look up a roly-poly treat dispenser as i'm not sure what it is and where to find it. It sounds simple enough. The cabbage idea sounds wonderful for them too.

Lapeerian, I've seen it go downhill sadly with the college. Most college towns end up having a lot of poverty, drugs and a whole lot of trouble near them. It's just awful folks that have worked all their lives and have been good citizens for decades cannot walk down the street without getting socked in the face. It's hard not to get frustrated. There's a lack of respect for life and people. Being neighborly and conversing face to face has taken a back seat to hiding behind a computer or gun to make a point instead of discussing things as normal human beings. The thing about this latest shooting in CA is that I keep seeing gun control but many of these folks are not just mentally ill but they are using illegal firearms anyways. So even if we have "gun control" we're just controlling a gun owner who follows the law and not the ones who are getting firearms to create mass destruction. Anyways, enough of that. This is a rant for another thread I'm sure. Our animals are stress relief for sure. lol

Okay, so I'm not sure what we're dealing with. I took pictures and today when I looked at the girls it looks like they're just molting. I have a few picks showing the feathers coming in and a couple with the raw white skin with no feathers whatsoever. I'm not sure if they or another hen is pulling them out or if this is in fact a molt. I figured you'd all know since this is my first time.

The above pic is the one I'm mainly concerned about. Toward the tail feathers is where she's had a drop of blood. I clean it and add triple antibiotic ointment to keep it free from infection. I wasn't sure if this was a molt because it's bare skin. Possibly thinking we have pecking order going on. Anyone know?

Bare skin showing, no feather shafts

I see the feathers coming in the above picture which really make me wonder if this is a molt.

More thick chicken skin. Not red, white but no feather or the hard shafts coming through.

Finally, I checked each of the girls around the vent and the belly. I don't see any mites or eggs thank goodness. I'm going to buy some DE this weekend and add more to the coop and the hens. We also added CD's of various heights and we'll add a cabbage to give them all something to do. They've been free ranging but it's been windy and rainy so they're only going out for short periods.
Do you have any "Blue coat"? (Protective spray you can get at TSC) When I see any blood or any area that looks bloody i spray it with blue coat. It will make it invisible to the others so they won't go after it.

I just lost my bedding source, They didn't put up enough hay. Hoping to source another one soon.

We are not doing a big Christmas this year. No one needs anything and I don't feel the need to go in debt to buy "junk". I was going to make a craft for people or something... My only daughter is heading to college next year...she has chosen a school in Florida. I may just go with her!

I still have my rain check for CM shavings. I've been busy and have not gotten out there yet. They had a sale. They have a sale a couple of times a year so I stock up then.

I did manage to get some hay for not to much and he delivered it so post to CL and see what you can get.

I don't like walking down Main St, but would when needed. I work at one end of Main St, Hubby works just off the other end. We carpool, so if I got out early I would walk down to wait while he got done. Hubby has declared I will no longer walk down the street, which I agree with. This town is going down the drain.

I don't see where you live but lord have mercy be careful.

We left the city proper (Syracuse) because we were concerned. We'd found a bullet in our driveway and I told DW I don't care we're moving even if we have to go into an apartment. Which is why we landed here. Now we're considering selling and moving somewhere I don't know. I am tired. Well I am, DW says "I'll go back to work before I sell and move". So I guess I'll be leaving by myself.
Texas is warmer this time of year.

I've posted 5 chicks to CL for $1 each but anyone here wants to come and get them they can have them for free. Delawares and two Delaware patterned frizzles. One frizzed, one not. About three weeks old.

I'm keeping just two this time round. One because it's a B. Marans and the other to keep it company. I'd like them gone asap.
I don't have any but I saw it on YOUTUBE as I was looking up idea's. Sorry to hear about your bedding source. I may have one option but I'm not sure yet. Florida would be just lovely.

I'll have to look up a roly-poly treat dispenser as i'm not sure what it is and where to find it. It sounds simple enough. The cabbage idea sounds wonderful for them too.

Lapeerian, I've seen it go downhill sadly with the college. Most college towns end up having a lot of poverty, drugs and a whole lot of trouble near them. It's just awful folks that have worked all their lives and have been good citizens for decades cannot walk down the street without getting socked in the face. It's hard not to get frustrated. There's a lack of respect for life and people. Being neighborly and conversing face to face has taken a back seat to hiding behind a computer or gun to make a point instead of discussing things as normal human beings. The thing about this latest shooting in CA is that I keep seeing gun control but many of these folks are not just mentally ill but they are using illegal firearms anyways. So even if we have "gun control" we're just controlling a gun owner who follows the law and not the ones who are getting firearms to create mass destruction. Anyways, enough of that. This is a rant for another thread I'm sure. Our animals are stress relief for sure. lol

Okay, so I'm not sure what we're dealing with. I took pictures and today when I looked at the girls it looks like they're just molting. I have a few picks showing the feathers coming in and a couple with the raw white skin with no feathers whatsoever. I'm not sure if they or another hen is pulling them out or if this is in fact a molt. I figured you'd all know since this is my first time.

The above pic is the one I'm mainly concerned about. Toward the tail feathers is where she's had a drop of blood. I clean it and add triple antibiotic ointment to keep it free from infection. I wasn't sure if this was a molt because it's bare skin. Possibly thinking we have pecking order going on. Anyone know?

Bare skin showing, no feather shafts

I see the feathers coming in the above picture which really make me wonder if this is a molt.

More thick chicken skin. Not red, white but no feather or the hard shafts coming through.

Finally, I checked each of the girls around the vent and the belly. I don't see any mites or eggs thank goodness. I'm going to buy some DE this weekend and add more to the coop and the hens. We also added CD's of various heights and we'll add a cabbage to give them all something to do. They've been free ranging but it's been windy and rainy so they're only going out for short periods.
J J feeds has the DE in larger bags for cheaper than TSC. OR you can order it online if you have to drive too far. My first bag was ordered. Cheaper shipping than the gas to go get it at the time. Dust your birds AND roosts AND nest boxes. Roosts can be rubbed down with mineral oil or vaseline or Bag Balm. Dust all crevices and dark corners.

I know there are those who say it doesn't help but I think it does. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don't wait til you see mites.

What is the Protein in your feed? Keep it high in the winter at least.

(remember folks all opinions are my own and suggestions for everyone not just those quoted)

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