NY chicken lover!!!!

Lost my 4 year old black Orp hen to vehicular slaughter. :,( She was in my first group of chickens. Was hoping she would go broody around Chickenstock time, she was an awesome broody. Going out to see if the ground is thawed enough for electronet. And going to rehome the other 3 worst offenders for road crossing to someone with a coop and run.

Oh I'm sorry! The electronet is probably a good thing to get to keep them from wandering too far.
Loving all the chick pictures! Lap, sorry about your hen :hugs

Well, Lacie goose made me laugh today. I had set up a temporary nest box on the ground for the chickens in their coop since they managed to knock their permanent ones off the wall yesterday somehow.

So this afternoon I went out to let them out of the coop and collect the eggs and the nesting box was empty! I don't just mean no eggs, I mean no hay either. I saw a couple pieces of hay on the floor and followed the trail over to Lacie. She had apparently stolen all the hay from the nesting box and carried it across the coop to line her nest with. She was very content with the situation. The chickens were not as pleased.
Lost my 4 year old black Orp hen to vehicular slaughter. :,( She was in my first group of chickens. Was hoping she would go broody around Chickenstock time, she was an awesome broody. Going out to see if the ground is thawed enough for electronet. And going to rehome the other 3 worst offenders for road crossing to someone with a coop and run.

So Sorry ..that is my biggest fear that some one will hit them crossing the road ..
They get chased home ...if I see them ....
they have been good since my 2nd in Command Roo Bobby died ...
He led them astray ....across the road ..
My Head Roo Lucky knows my boundaries & keeps the flock in them
Lost my 4 year old black Orp hen to vehicular slaughter. :,( She was in my first group of chickens. Was hoping she would go broody around Chickenstock time, she was an awesome broody. Going out to see if the ground is thawed enough for electronet. And going to rehome the other 3 worst offenders for road crossing to someone with a coop and run.
I am sorry for the loss of your orpington...:(

I have 8 queen Silvia's, I don't know much about them but I'm not sure I'll keep any of them. Very pretty chicks
I wound up with 19- Would you like a few more? They are great and still so tiny @ 3 weeks. Smaller than my isbars. So, it will be interesting to see how they grow out! I think you can sex them also because it seems the there are two colors there and the roosters are already combing by 2 weeks.

Loving all the chick pictures! Lap, sorry about your hen

Well, Lacie goose made me laugh today. I had set up a temporary nest box on the ground for the chickens in their coop since they managed to knock their permanent ones off the wall yesterday somehow.

So this afternoon I went out to let them out of the coop and collect the eggs and the nesting box was empty! I don't just mean no eggs, I mean no hay either. I saw a couple pieces of hay on the floor and followed the trail over to Lacie. She had apparently stolen all the hay from the nesting box and carried it across the coop to line her nest with. She was very content with the situation. The chickens were not as pleased.
Pyxis- How is everything going with your move? Is Lacie your broodie now? I have two of my CCL's who I have thrown off the nesting box and put outside for the last week...

Hope all is well with you NY peeps. Much to do here...as always.
Lost my 4 year old black Orp hen to vehicular slaughter. :,( She was in my first group of chickens. Was hoping she would go broody around Chickenstock time, she was an awesome broody. Going out to see if the ground is thawed enough for electronet. And going to rehome the other 3 worst offenders for road crossing to someone with a coop and run.

I'm so sorry for your loss! I have black Orpington chicks hatching today if you'd like a couple.
Pyxis- How is everything going with your move? Is Lacie your broodie now? I have two of my CCL's who I have thrown off the nesting box and put outside for the last week...

Move is going okay, new house is still a work in progress, although all the painting is done (I think) and the floors are almost all in. Still have to do the plumbing and other things. At this point the plan is pretty solidly that we want to keep half of the property we own here if we can swing it, so that's where my birds will live, except a few bantams that will live in a little coop in the backyard of the new place :) Gotta have some chickens with me there!

Lacie is definitely broody! None of her eggs are fertile since I don't have a gander (one will be arriving at the end of this month) so I'm going to swap out some of her eggs for duck eggs and let her hatch those. I'm fairly attached to Lacie since she was a surprise in a batch of chicks I ordered and imprinted on me so she is very friendly. I'd love for her to get to raise some babies this year. And then next year she'll have a mate so she can hatch her own eggs.Here she is last year on her nest (didn't hatch anything since I didn't have eggs to give her):


I also have one broody buff orp who doesn't have a name because I have about six and can't really tell them all apart (it's pretty bad that I don't actually know exactly how many I have, lol).
Got my electronet up last night. I don't electrify it, but serves as a physical barrier to keep them in. Except the speckled Sussex, she was out already this morning. Going to look at getting one of the electronet gates, a few more feet and a convenient way to get to the barn will make it much easier to deal with. Hubby keeps picking up more egg customers, so hate to lose any more laying hens. Hope the 2 broodys decide to start laying again, we are reaching the point of not keeping up with demand.

I will be looking for hatching eggs at Chickenstock, especially since the Easter hatch was not as successful as hoped. More chickens for more eggs will mean I need a bigger coop and rethinking my free range plan to another area
Lapeerian - I know you are experienced - but I see a possible danger ... when chickens come out early in the morning - even in electronet - some owls are still hunting ! So beware that you have that danger that the netting won't prevent.


I will have a decent amount of hatching eggs for chickenstock -

pure Marans (for the egg color -they will NOT be show quality in feather color - may be white, splash or black? Totally up in the air, but all pure Marans w/feathered legs and typical body shape).
pure AB (Arkansas blue) lays light blue egg, medium size, but production numbers (lots of eggies). Bodies are splashed (white or grey base) and lean like a leghorn - so easier on the feed bill.
Mix - mostly medium brown color in large or extra large eggs, some olive eggers

I can't wait to close my breeder pens and get back to one big flock again .... what a pain for so many multiple feed and water chores ! :) ha ha

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