NY chicken lover!!!!

Buff dundotte is a guinea color :)

How do you stand the crazy sound they make ? it would drive me nuts .

I provide them with 2 1/2 gallon buckets full of water, so they have enough room to dunk their heads up to their eyes, which they require. They don't get swimming water in the winter. Well, usually; I might put a pond deicer in their pool this year and see how that does.
we have a stream near our house ..they liked to go down to that in the winter..
I tried to keep it open for them
we have a stream near our house ..they liked to go down to that in the winter..
I tried to keep it open for them

The sounds they make don't bother me :) They have a reputation for being really loud, but really they generally talk quietly, and only go off loudly if they see something that shouldn't be there, like a stranger or a predator.
Just real quick. The new PP magazine has a pictuer of the vet removing junk from an impacted crop. I looks as though they were removing a hair clog from a drain. This is what it says.

"Impacted crop can be prevented by adjusting feeding and providing access to grit" - quote.

I have suggested that it is important to feed birds "Insoluble" grit. Gran it Grit comes in three types. I like to keep a supply in a black rubber tub. For the price of $11 you can prevent problems and in my mind it is worth it. Remember "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
Be well,
Any Baby Yet ?
View media item 7895751The newest member of my flock arrived August 3rd. :)

Sorry it's been so long. I have a lot to manage. My chicken flock has shrunk to 17. I have no interest in expanding again this year. My kids have helped train the chickens to stay in our yard so they're back to free ranging. The primary goals of Pleasant Row Blues and Pleasant Row Chocolates are still there, but my number of base birds is smaller than I had previously planned.

So, how are the Ameraucana, Pavlovskaya, and Gulls that people got at Chicken Stock?

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