NY chicken lover!!!!

I really miss the old format. It's harder to keep up on this one. I have it mostly figured out, but I only check on this board once in a while.

My coop improvements didn't happen this year. I was going to try to keep out more mice, but it's an old barn so it needs repointing on the stone and patches on the concrete floor and so many other little repairs.

I was ready to get rid of my chickens. Two years of big losses and few gains were frustrating. I'm glad I didn't. I like them. I like having a mini-farm and the work involved. I just need to be better at limiting expenses. If I even think about purchasing eggs for hatching in the spring, I hope someone whacks me in the head.

My garden is struggling because I wasn't able to weed it or build tomato trellises this year. We're getting some harvest, just not as much as we should have. Next year....
I really miss the old format. It's harder to keep up on this one....Me too
I was going to try to keep out more mice, would a barn cat work ?
I was ready to get rid of my chickens.Oh No ! Keeping it manageable is a good goal
If I even think about purchasing eggs for hatching in the spring, I hope someone whacks me in the head.I will try to remember to do that
My garden is struggling You had enough on your plate with the new baby and all that goes with it ..you can only do so much
I really miss the old format. It's harder to keep up on this one. I have it mostly figured out, but I only check on this board once in a while.

My coop improvements didn't happen this year. I was going to try to keep out more mice, but it's an old barn so it needs repointing on the stone and patches on the concrete floor and so many other little repairs.

I was ready to get rid of my chickens. Two years of big losses and few gains were frustrating. I'm glad I didn't. I like them. I like having a mini-farm and the work involved. I just need to be better at limiting expenses. If I even think about purchasing eggs for hatching in the spring, I hope someone whacks me in the head.

My garden is struggling because I wasn't able to weed it or build tomato trellises this year. We're getting some harvest, just not as much as we should have. Next year....

My garden did very poorly - all my fault too. I planted it, weeded once this summer and thats about it. My husband did go grab some crummy looking tomatoes yesterday. I was so busy, it was just at the bottom of my priority list. The weather has been so cold, I really should just go close the garden and start winterizing the coop and rabbit houses.

I will be sure to whack you on the head come next spring, assuming you do the same for me. Trades are okay though? Cause thats not really buying....
My garden was over run with weeds also, hard to keep up. About a month ago I hit it hard, hoping getting everything opened back up to the sun will help. I pulled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of the stuff and filled the chicken runs. Mostly quickweed.
I did get to try some purlsane this early summer, good stuff. Lots of purlsane in my garden but it dies out when the quickweed takes over.
Getting tons of beautiful tomatoes though I'm fighting late blight.
Grew some Park's whopper improved (crack resistant) the tomatoes are 2-4x the size of my early girls, plants were bigger also, and started ripening a few days sooner. They are not handling the late blight as well as early girl though.
Have a open pollinated beefsteak popped up where I had a chicken run this last winter hardly touched by blight.
Been pruning and pulling flowers hoping it helps get the maters it has matured before frost. Grew a bunch of them last yr and only had a few rippen before hard frost.
Green tomato casserole is unbelievably yummy though. Made sliced up bread and butter sweet pickled tomatoes also.
On the subject of open air coops, I have a hoop coop. I leave the entire front open in the winter. Plastic goes up only to the snow line to keep the snow out and in front of the roosting area. The rest of the front stays wide open. The chickens aren't bothered.

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