NY chicken lover!!!!

Seems to me it would take just as much energy and time to do something like this than file the paper work for a variance which may be possible to do online. Or a phone call for the forms. Sure your angry but ask yourself this, is this how you would recommend someone else deal with this? Not to mention the example you want to set for your children?

Seems to me you took a risk and lost. Sad yes, but not unexpected in Liverpool. I grew up there and seems to me no one there was ever very nice.

Take care,


http://www.villageofliverpool.org For me in Minoa it is costing me $300 for a variance which is total BS. (hopefully it wouldn't cost you that much) BUT I will be having tons more chickens once I receive that permit hahaha! How were you notified and by whom? There should be something that says which laws you "broke". I know with my situation the Village of Minoa never even dealt with this type of situation. It took them forever to even figure out what forms I should fill out and even then they had to adjust the application because it was for construction type building permits. The sad thing is the only reason they even knew we had them was because a neighborhood dog got out and chased after my daughter and her friends. Once the kids came running into my house I went out to see where it went. I walked out to it repeatedly charging the chicken coop which made our rooster come flying out of the top. My daughter, who I told to stay inside, and I witnessed the dog attack and destroy her baby (the rooster). I called 911 and in the end all that could be done was the owner was issued a no leash ticket. They said that even though it chased the kids and killed the rooster there wasn't anything they could do because we were 1/2 at fault because we were breaking the law by having chickens. I have a signed petition from all of my neighbors who have said they have no issue with us having them and even though we have had them for over a year they still want us to jump through hoops. I think that $300 is outrageous but I made sure that the application was worded just right so that we will be able to have many more "poultry" once I get the variance permit in my hands.

http://www.villageofliverpool.org For me in Minoa it is costing me $300 for a variance which is total BS. (hopefully it wouldn't cost you that much) BUT I will be having tons more chickens once I receive that permit hahaha! How were you notified and by whom? There should be something that says which laws you "broke". I know with my situation the Village of Minoa never even dealt with this type of situation. It took them forever to even figure out what forms I should fill out and even then they had to adjust the application because it was for construction type building permits. The sad thing is the only reason they even knew we had them was because a neighborhood dog got out and chased after my daughter and her friends. Once the kids came running into my house I went out to see where it went. I walked out to it repeatedly charging the chicken coop which made our rooster come flying out of the top. My daughter, who I told to stay inside, and I witnessed the dog attack and destroy her baby (the rooster). I called 911 and in the end all that could be done was the owner was issued a no leash ticket. They said that even though it chased the kids and killed the rooster there wasn't anything they could do because we were 1/2 at fault because we were breaking the law by having chickens. I have a signed petition from all of my neighbors who have said they have no issue with us having them and even though we have had them for over a year they still want us to jump through hoops. I think that $300 is outrageous but I made sure that the application was worded just right so that we will be able to have many more "poultry" once I get the variance permit in my hands.

Certainly a variance is good, but so is changing the zoning and ordinances if you can. I know it's not easy but someone has to lead the charge and unfortunately it's you.

I wish you the best,

I'll trade you the world's largest silkie roo for him....the silkie is way to big to breed my teeny tiny D'uccles (but sure would be a funny looking mix, wouldn't it)...and I have 5 KNOWN roos....possibly more as the 6 chicks I have mature.

Lol, you serious? I would so take you up on that. Only one problem. the distance. If you are serious, are you coming up to the Plattsburgh area anytime soon?
I'll trade you the world's largest silkie roo for him....the silkie is way to big to breed my teeny tiny D'uccles (but sure would be a funny looking mix, wouldn't it)...and I have 5 KNOWN roos....possibly more as the 6 chicks I have mature.

Lol, you serious? I would so take you up on that. Only one problem. the distance. If you are serious, are you coming up to the Plattsburgh area anytime soon?

Ok. Don't laugh. Please. But I will be in Plattsburgh on Friday. Seriously. Minor problem is I won't be LEAVING until Sunday and I don't think they would let me keep a rooster in the hotel room.

If you would like to talk about the possiblities... meaning you could take the rooster from me on Friday and give me your rooster on Sunday, PM me and we'll exchange phone numbers and see if we can make it work.

And this rooster is really big for a silkie roo....you might be able to breed him to a large hen and be the one that actually achieves breeding a Large Fowl Silkie. (which I would love, cuz I am soooo tired of bantam eggs and cracking 3 for every ONE egg the reciepe calls for.)
I will PM you...And attempt to keep him safe:) I am going to post a few pictures of him. Well attempt to anyways, so you can see what he looks like.

He is not much of a picture taker anda few of his tail feathers are now MIA but I am sure they grow back:)
Let me know if you are still interested and I will PM you.



Question for all you with more experience...which would almost all of you.

Does every breed of rooster have three rows to it's comb? Like Marans, OE's and Ameruacanas?

If the answer is "yes" then I have a Marans or OE roo to rehome. I am not sure of which breed it is, cuz I am not sure of anything regarding chickens any more. But I know "he" is one or the other of those breeds, cuz that's what I bought from the breeder. Would like to get the $9 I paid for him, but would trade him for a pullet of any breed or mix. If no one will part with money for a roo, then I will give him away....But since he is from a handsome Dad, he is worth the money or a pullet.

On a happier note, if the answer is "yes" then I have 2 pullets and 1 cockeral of Pips&Peeps stock, which THRILLS me, cuz she is on the west coast, makeing it hard, if not near impossible, to get her stock here on the east coast. (Even the eggs have a bumpy ride and have less than desired hatch rates)
I know nothing about Marans or OE, but Ameraucanas have peacombs with the 3 rows that you described. All of my White Ameraucanas are Jean's stock too, as well as the lav & splits that I've rehomed. I feel really lucky to have them! I started with a pair of whites & they were very fertile! I have to start culling for defects so I can get down to 2 roos & an ample amount of hens to keep them busy.

What color are yours?
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I was told I had one black, one blue and one Lav.

I think it is the black that is the roo....however I am not sure how people even tell the difference between those two colors so they might both be black or both blue. Time will tell.

Thank you sooo much for the info. I have them housed separate from the rest of the flock, so I will have "pure breeds"....Personally? I just want blue eggs, cuz everyone looks at me like I am nuts when I tell them I have chickens, that lay blue eggs, and are lavender in color. (Any one of those things makes them question my sanity. I had one person tell me that they weren't chicken eggs if they were blue. Told them that they sure as ***l weren't robin's eggs, cuz they are laid by a chicken)
http://www.villageofliverpool.org For me in Minoa it is costing me $300 for a variance which is total BS. (hopefully it wouldn't cost you that much) BUT I will be having tons more chickens once I receive that permit hahaha! How were you notified and by whom? There should be something that says which laws you "broke". I know with my situation the Village of Minoa never even dealt with this type of situation. It took them forever to even figure out what forms I should fill out and even then they had to adjust the application because it was for construction type building permits. The sad thing is the only reason they even knew we had them was because a neighborhood dog got out and chased after my daughter and her friends. Once the kids came running into my house I went out to see where it went. I walked out to it repeatedly charging the chicken coop which made our rooster come flying out of the top. My daughter, who I told to stay inside, and I witnessed the dog attack and destroy her baby (the rooster). I called 911 and in the end all that could be done was the owner was issued a no leash ticket. They said that even though it chased the kids and killed the rooster there wasn't anything they could do because we were 1/2 at fault because we were breaking the law by having chickens. I have a signed petition from all of my neighbors who have said they have no issue with us having them and even though we have had them for over a year they still want us to jump through hoops. I think that $300 is outrageous but I made sure that the application was worded just right so that we will be able to have many more "poultry" once I get the variance permit in my hands.

Certainly a variance is good, but so is changing the zoning and ordinances if you can. I know it's not easy but someone has to lead the charge and unfortunately it's you.

I wish you the best,


Is it going to cost you $300 a year? Or is the variance good forever? Good luck!
Was wondering if anyone in clinton county ny on here was interested in trying to get the fair to start doing a poultry show like the franklin county fair does?
I asked them if they ever consider having a poultry show and they said there has not been any interest and I am the first person that has asked.

So, dont know how to go about it but would be interested in trying to get it started.

The Franklin county fair lets us Clinton and essex county peeps show in the fair there so was wondering if there was a way to get this started????

ANY ideas

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