NY chicken lover!!!!

Ugh! Just lost another to a fox. Thankfully I had only let out the one coop. Hadn't had an attack for days, thought it was a hawk. This time I saw the fox running across the yard. He got my 'heart attack chicken', a light brahma who is way too fat. =( I doubt I can get them back in the coop but everyone else is locked up and I'm standing vigil now. I think I'll have to keep everyone on lockdown AND put in an electric fence. Any recommendations for something I could get right now? (like at TSC)..

Can you shoot the fox? Don't know how you feel about that or if you even own a gun. My husband bought me a ruger airhawk that is a pellet gun. I don't want to shoot anything thing, but I would if something was killing my chickens.
Can you shoot the fox? Don't know how you feel about that or if you even own a gun. My husband bought me a ruger airhawk that is a pellet gun. I don't want to shoot anything thing, but I would if something was killing my chickens.
we have a shotgun somewhere, but I couldn't hit anything even if I tried. My husband won't even kill spiders. I think keeping them out is my main mission. Plus I hear they are very difficult to trap - very trap savvy.

I picked up two AC fence chargers on amazon for about $100 - $50 in gift certs I had so about 50ish out of pocket. Already have wire, just need insulators. I think someone here.. was it Nambroth?.. just put the wire right on the run with the insulators.
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You could use a trap. When I lost Claire to a fox I was very angry and researched lots of stuff. Premier has a poultry net fencing that has I think 12 strands that are all electric, so that keeps the chickens etc inside, and anything else out. If yo already have a fenced area, you could just run electric wire high and low, and that you could get from TSC. You also need a power source and an "energizer" I think it's called. I use a battery so I can recharge it and move my fence, but you could use electricity from your house or coop, or there are solar powered things. All of those need this other thing between the power source and the fence.

If you wanted to use the trap, I was told use a slab of raw meat. And you would need a plan of what to do with it if you do catch it.

I recently saw one that was hit on Rt 20 near us, and think that is a good way, too. They are beautiful animals, but they need to stay away from people and chickens. I would never harm one unless it was threatening me or those who depend on me.

Good luck.
Does anyone use the solar powered things for their coops here in NY and do they do okay, even with our long winters?

I was thinking of trying solar to power lights for the coops and pens at night so they at least have a night light or something, especially the ducks. I wouldn't mind having a light shining outside of their quarters either in hopes it would deter predators some. It would be nice to not have to run extension cords everywhere.
we have a shotgun somewhere, but I couldn't hit anything even if I tried. My husband won't even kill spiders. I think keeping them out is my main mission. Plus I hear they are very difficult to trap - very trap savvy.

I picked up two AC fence chargers on amazon for about $100 - $50 in gift certs I had so about 50ish out of pocket. Already have wire, just need insulators. I think someone here.. was it Nambroth?.. just put the wire right on the run with the insulators.

If you already have a run(s), put a ground wire about 6 inches,from the ground, on the outside. You can purchase insulators with a 6 inch extension. You do not want the hot(electrified) wire to touch metal or it will ground out(not work). Put the top wire at the top most place on your fence. This should keep predators out. If you are thinking of only using 2 strands of electric wire to keep out predators(fox) , I have not had any luck with that. Keeps the horses in, but not chickens, fox, coyote or anything else. Good luck!!

I really have had good luck with the premier1 electric netting. Maybe you could purchase 1 length a year and fence off a pasture at a time. At least someone would be safe. Sometimes it goes on sale so if you keep checking in, you may get it cheaper. Good luck!
Does anyone use the solar powered things for their coops here in NY and do they do okay, even with our long winters?

I was thinking of trying solar to power lights for the coops and pens at night so they at least have a night light or something, especially the ducks. I wouldn't mind having a light shining outside of their quarters either in hopes it would deter predators some. It would be nice to not have to run extension cords everywhere.

Creek. I do use a solar powered fencer. It does well all winter long, as long as I emeber to turn it off at night so it does not discharge when I don't need it, as long as I keep snow off the sun panel, as long as I have a fully functional battery doing the work. I have not bought anything else solor. Things are getting better and better. If you go solor keep me posted as I would like to know how it goes!

Also, your avatar has me intrigued. What is it?

You could use a trap. When I lost Claire to a fox I was very angry and researched lots of stuff. Premier has a poultry net fencing that has I think 12 strands that are all electric, so that keeps the chickens etc inside, and anything else out. If yo already have a fenced area, you could just run electric wire high and low, and that you could get from TSC. You also need a power source and an "energizer" I think it's called. I use a battery so I can recharge it and move my fence, but you could use electricity from your house or coop, or there are solar powered things. All of those need this other thing between the power source and the fence.
If you wanted to use the trap, I was told use a slab of raw meat. And you would need a plan of what to do with it if you do catch it.
I recently saw one that was hit on Rt 20 near us, and think that is a good way, too. They are beautiful animals, but they need to stay away from people and chickens. I would never harm one unless it was threatening me or those who depend on me.
Good luck.
I can't use the fencing, my runs are HUGE. I researched it and it would be like $1K per coop. =( I may bait a trap, but I have little hope on that front. I'll be setting up the chargers on the run tomorrow, assuming I have any chickens left.
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Hi everyone, Computer died so was off line until we bought a new one.

Sue: love your raised beds - way to repurpose old horse fencing!

Story: Birds went nuts yesterday and four got out. Amazing since the fence is board (almost 5 feet high-we used to have a llama) with chain link buried
and almost four feet high.
Caught all the birds and put them back in the pen. All was quiet in the pen and coop - teenagers in the grow-up pen in the coop doing well.
Checked on them later and all was quiet still in the barn. You know....cluck, cluck, bawk, bawk, peep, peep, meow.....
The cat (who decided to start escaping from the house and visiting the great outdoors a few days ago) was in the coop rafters over the door to the pen.
Dragged her down and out of the coop while she glared at the chickens daring them to make fun of her.
Guess the chickens must have kicked some feline glutious maxiumus!
She still went out today, but is avoiding the chickens. *snicker*

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I am now sitting outside watching the chickens since the fox managed to snag another one. I hope he's full for the day? He got my prettiest naked neck this time. I've got insulators, wire and tomorrow I will have chargers but unfortunately no one to help set it up until Saturday. So everyone's on lockdown when I can manage to get them in.
I am so sorry he is so sneaky. At this time they are starting to take their kits out to Hun t. Perhaps you could catch a little one...sorry about your hens, poor dears.

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