NY chicken lover!!!!

Hey Rancher--I am doing well. Took a little ride in the car today just to get out of the house. Came home to let the cheeps out and read my backyard poultry magazine that just came. What could be better than chickens and a chicken magazine to hasten healing! You read my pamphlet yet?

Thanks stony. Sigh. 4 more weeks. The first egg is always the longest wait!

My lawn has gone from chicken french fries to salad again. Still need more rain but at least the cheeps have greens to eat again.
Well I think mine's a girl but whatever it's beautiful and my husband's favorite. We had something sneak by about 5 nights ago and lost 1 or 2 of the flock. The fence was down and The rest scattered far and wide. Managed to round almost all of them up and moved them to another coop area which in my opinion is more secure. We've never had a break in before in that area. Whatever it is, they have not shown their face. In years gone by, we've caught or shot many a predator but things seemed to be quiet (or so I thought) We are now on the lookout. Kinda makes you nervous all the time.
Hey Stony (or anyone else for that matter)---whats the earliest you have had a rir pullet or sexlink pullet lay?  I have a few who have really red wattles and combs at 16 wks old.  Seems like they are growing much faster than what my laying hens did. 

I have red sex links and I just got my first egg on Saturday. They turned 16 weeks last Tuesday...
Rancher: Not sure about Renee. Haven't heard from her since she wanted to sell some project ameraucanas in the spring.
I also wonder how she is doing.
Hey, good news....I finally got my compost bin up. (It's the little things that matter, isn't it.)


Kamir--learning is a lifelong process and with chickens, its a daily thing. Thats why we are all here helping each other and learning from each other because weird stuff happens. Especially with kids and animals!!!
Pharm, et al, I really appreciate the group
and all the info which has helped me learn a little about chicks, I mean chickens. I still haven't figured out chicks!

Just got back from the kitty cattle call.. I mean free rabies shot clinic .. (LOL) - lots of peeps there talking about increased fox and fishers lately - probably part of the reason I am having so many problems!

(oh and just a gripe.. if cats are 7-8 and dogs are 8-9 don't bring your gigantic dogs over to the cat line at 7PM.. grr)..
Pharm - sent you an e-mail about the pamphlet.

AQHA - congrats on the egg.

Happy - me too on Renee. I could stop by her place sometime. She's just down the road.

Featherz - Can't figure out why the increase in fox and fishers unless it's due to stealing chickens.

BTW - I have a hen #9 who doesn't come in at night. She shows up to eat and I expect she's got a nest somewhere but don't know where. I tried to watch her to see where she goes but couldn't spend the time needed today. Will try tomorrow. I know the area she's came from but haven't hunted for her spot.

Has anyone had this happen with a hen? She's a BR and I'd hate to lose her as she's one of Kathinmo's and not replaceable. I will be hatching in the spring but they just started laying this spring and still to young.

The CR's from Scott in GA should be laying soon. They are tall birds.


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