NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

Yay! even better! Now to figure out what to bring..........

Hopefully I'll have some of this years honey by then (we keep bees)! I'll figure out other things as well..... Thank you!!!!

We are getting bees this year. I am going to the SABA seminar in Albany on Saturday. Hoping to get together with someone selling bees for our hive.
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We are getting bees this year. I am going to the SABA seminar in Albany on Saturday. Hoping to get together with someone selling bees for our hive.

Good luck!
Those bees are just great! I've heard good things about that seminar. We have not been able to make one yet, but hope to!!! This will be our 3rd (or 4th?) year with the bees. Hopefully you can make a good connection and get some bees. Make friends with a local beekeeper and learn as much as you can from him/her. Their experience and knowledge is irreplaceable!

I also love that I don't use very much refined sugar b/c we have the honey and we are maple syrup producers too! We like it sweet over here!!!
My uncle does maple syrup. He said this year wasn't so good for it because of the wacky weather. He got some but not as much as other years.

We were able to get our taps in early so I think we were lucky. We produced a little more than last year. I have heard that the larger producers weren't ready to tap and lost out on much of the season as it was SO early!
My uncle tapped according to the weather not the time of year. He does it the old fashioned way with a hand crank drill and metal taps (they were my grandfather and great grandfather's). I love the history behind it.
Hey you!

This does not mean you are not coming in July does it!?!?


I have to look you up to see how far this would be for us!

I just wanted to add some chatter to this thread. Keep it fresh in the mind. I almost can't stand to wait, but August is when I have vacation and time to spare. I have set of revolving thoughts of what i want to have done by then. Like I'll have garden veggies to use and what has to be cleared from out buildings to make room. When I go places and see something cute I think that would be nice for the raffle.

I can't wait to meet you guys!

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