
In the winter I cook a big bowl of quick cooking oatmeal in the microwave. I dish out some for myself and let the rest cool while I'm eating mine. Then I take it out to the chickens. They love it!
I share my oatmeal with the girls too, and also give them yogurt each morning, and I made a discovery as a result (this may not be new to anyone else but it was a revelation to me): oatmeal flavored with brown sugar and plain yogurt is amazing! The girls get theirs unsweetened, of course
I give my birds Rolled Oats that I give to the horses too that I buy at the feed store. I did cook it once and put some in a dish. They ate it but they made a mess. Maybe I didn't have it high enough. I put it in a pie dish on a block.
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I feed my chickens oat meal (raw) as treats. My book says its good for them. In my first group of chicks (and current) 1 of them had a pasty butt, and i fed her some oatmeal for a few days and got the poo that was clogging the vent off and we havent had a problem with Omlet since!
This winter was our first with our girls. We had an unusual amont of snow and I fed the girls warm cooked natural oats every day. They loved it. I felt bad that they were out in the cold unheated coop, so the oats were a winner.
When I have injured birds I use cooked, old fashioned oatmeal (the cheapest I can find) and I mix it with a few feed pellets, cooked egg bits and yogurt (I also put some liquid bird vitamins in their water). They seem to love it.

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