Oats as main feed


In the Brooder
Oct 14, 2020
Hello all, I was wondering if I was able to keep ducks on a diet of mainly rolled oats (supplemented with other things at times too)
Hello all, I was wondering if I was able to keep ducks on a diet of mainly rolled oats (supplemented with other things at times too)
Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

No, oats do not have the correct vitamins, minerals, or amino acids that a formulated ration does... which is needed to suffice most domestic duck breed we keep today.

Oats are a treat or supplement that should be used as such. You would very likely end up with a whole host of nutritional related health conditions depending on age/breed, that would ultimately not save you a dime and might be super heart breaking.

In fact.. oats that weren't rolled.. might be better a better choice.. even sprout-able.

Raw oats even have some anti nutrients.. Even standard chicken feed or chick starter may not work well enough. A duck feed or Flock raiser labeled for ducks is highly recommended. Otherwise pay attention to niacin content, maybe supplement with nutritional yeast if needed. Avoiding excess calories from ANY source (bread, corn, dry cereal, etc).. not only protein to avoid any angel wing during developmental stages.

Proper duck nutrition in the following link.. for different ages and even breed purposes.. Their site has excellent information throughout..

Hope this help! :fl
No, ducks need a proper food made for ducks. They cannot live on just oats. Why are you wanting to feed them oats?
I am still new to this, and have read somewhere that you can feed them oats (not just as treats) so that’s why I wanted to know if that is possible, but thank you.
That would be like giving them nothing but candy... they need duck food to get all their vitamins and minerals. Too many carbs can lead to impacted and sour crop.

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