Obsessive Chicken Disorder (OCD) help and support thread 😂😅🐔

I don't actually know how many I have! When asked I say around 70. I started with 4, then bought a small incubator and the problem started. I would probably have more but people know me as the chicken lady and buy them off me. I bought a 2000 egg antique incubator, it takes up a lot of room in the shed, just wait until next spring! My girls, and a couple roosters are 24/7 free range, no real preditors in NZ for them to worry about, just a few cheeky native birds that have taught themselves to use the grandpa feeder.
I don't actually know how many I have! When asked I say around 70. I started with 4, then bought a small incubator and the problem started. I would probably have more but people know me as the chicken lady and buy them off me. I bought a 2000 egg antique incubator, it takes up a lot of room in the shed, just wait until next spring! My girls, and a couple roosters are 24/7 free range, no real preditors in NZ for them to worry about, just a few cheeky native birds that have taught themselves to use the grandpa feeder.
Notice this thread hasn't been super active lately, but with chick days in full swing it needs to be!
I know myself, and likely plenty of others are really suffering with OCD right now. :th
We need all the support we can get. :lol:

I found myself shopping for hatching eggs today for a friends birthday present. Then realized I was really just looking for breeds I liked so I could snatch a few eggs from her gift, and stuff them under my broody. :oops::gig
"Your welcome! Great gift huh?! Also, I was wondering, can I just steal like 3 of those because you see....."
I need some serious help. :lau
Notice this thread hasn't been super active lately, but with chick days in full swing it needs to be!
I know myself, and likely plenty of others are really suffering with OCD right now. :th
We need all the support we can get. :lol:

I found myself shopping for hatching eggs today for a friends birthday present. Then realized I was really just looking for breeds I liked so I could snatch a few eggs from her gift, and stuff them under my broody. :oops::gig
"Your welcome! Great gift huh?! Also, I was wondering, can I just steal like 3 of those because you see....."
I need some serious help. :lau
Buy 12 eggs and tell her that you bought 6 eggs for her ;)
I have dreams at night about quitting my day job, and raising baby chicks up to 8 weeks for people. Hatching and growing all year round. Covered in baby floof all day long…ahh, paradise. 😂

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