October Hatching ... How many are in? I'm due to hatch on 10/17

mtcookie who did you get your eggs from? I have 8 white, 7 b/b/s/ 9 splash only. I got them today but will not set till tomorrow if I can help it. Bator is holding steady for now. I was hoping for blk/lav split but maybe they are marked wrong.
If you got yours today I am guessing from the same person. I would also guess that the Black/ lavs are just not laying right now. This is my second run of silkies in two months.
In my case, my birds are inside anyway. I have button quail (which can't be outside here) and coturnix quail (which can be outside, but I keep inside in a partially climate controlled area).

So, I could really hatch birds 12 months a year, but I'd soon be overrun.
My silkie eggs went in at 6 this morning. I candled before and have 4 splash, 1 white, and 1 b/b/s that seem to be porous according to the thread stickied at the top of this section. I also have one of each that I am not sure of. This is so exciting. I know I said hands off but I will most likely candle day 7 just to see and right before lock down since I will have to open the bator anyway. Don't hold me to that I may candle more as I find this fascinating. Oh I took pics of all the eggs also. This is going to be a learning experience for me and a few home schooled kids that live around me. I am hoping for b/b/s silkies, a couple lav splits, and 2 white showgirls. All hens of course and the one fantastic roo. Brooder is coming along nicely except for the doors which I messed up. I will try and fix them today.
Good luck everyone with your hatches.
Here are some pics.
Porous Right?

another porous right?

Great right?

Another great one.

I am brand new and just wanted to make sure I know what I am talking about all the help is appreciated. I could post all 24 but that would take awhile using this forum!
that first egg is definitely porous, it might still hatch for you but i hate when egg sellers send me porous eggs!! because they usually can't take the shipping as well. i had one send me 9 eggs, 7 were porous and none of the porous ones hatched! 2 of them developed, but both died towards lockdown. the 2 unporous eggs developed completely and hatched. one was a roo, which i rehomed and he promptly got eaten by a hawk! this is why i only have one wyandotte and not more.
@ xyresicchick so the second one is not? I think the second one is also maybe the pic is not so good. Can't take another one for 7 days now. I am sure she did not candle before shipping, she is very nice. I am just wanting to know for my own experience, and to know what to look for. The bater was stable after a couple hours which was much quicker than I had expected even with the temp outside rising from 63 this morning at setting to the 80 now. I am impressed so far with my abality. I have stayed close by today to watch things very closley. I have just been outside working on the brooder.

Wow 7 out of 9 that is a lot. Do you know what is the cause of porous eggs? That is something I will look into. I would like to know for myself.

I have to go work on the new brooder I made a smaller one the one I did yesterday was way too big. Oh well I will still keep it. This one is 2.2 x 3.8 x 1.6 high I still think it is plenty of room and I will always have the 4 x 3 x 2 if needed.

Happy Hatching ladies!
My silkie eggs are now in lockdown. I had to take them out of the turner and lay them on thier sides because there are so many....too many to fit into cartons in my small LG bator. This is the first time I have hatched eggs lying on their sides in my bator. I usually put them in cartons. Now I am nervous LOL! Plus I found out my bator is running a degree too high today grrrrr.

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