Odd behavior help


12 Years
May 13, 2011
North Alabama
I had 3 hens.. My 2.5 yo orpington just died this week ( she has been sick for over 6 months and doc didn't know what it was). She was the top of the pecking order despite her declining health. Now my two 20 month old Rocks are alone and it appears they spend an awful lot of time "resting" for lack of a better word.. I look out to see them in the back yard and they are laying under the lemon tree or resting next to the bunny's house.... every once in a while I see them run across the yard but much less than they use to. The are just getting their feathers back in from the recent molt and southern california has been all over the place temperature wise for the last month, from 35 in the morning to 80s during the day so I am sure that is messing with them as well. Should I be worried. Their combs are red although don't seem as large as they did during the summer.....


They may be depressed at losing their friend. They do grieve.

Combs may shrink and get a little paler with molting.

I would give them some nutritious high protein things like unmedicated chick starter (with oyster shell on the side) or Flock Raiser pellets with oyster shell available if you think they need a boost from molting. (Or scrambled eggs.)

Some other things to consider would be mites/lice/worms.
Takes time to weather the change, they lost their leader so don't know what to do.
Happened with my dog this summer.

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