Odd head movements


5 Years
May 5, 2019
Couple days ago had a hen who was lethargic and had her tail down. Gave her a mix of acv/water/Vitamin mix, olive oil, selenium+vit e+calcium/ water, and some coconut water as suggested by a site I read from. All by dropper. I also, just in case, dipped her twice in warm water with Epsom salt at 15min each even though I never felt an egg. Next day she was moving some, eating a little, and drinking a little. She still doesn't have much of an appetite. Made some egg and she's not even tried eating it. One thing I've noticed is she is moving her head in an odd way. Moves it and then it slowly moves back to the original position. Sometimes is in a wider range others times a little bit of movement. Any ideas?

Link is a video of head movements

That movement of her head appears to be neurologic in nature. It could be from a head injury, a vitamin E deficiency, seizure activity, or something like Mareks. I would give her 400 IU of human vitamin E and also a little B complex for thiamine for a couple of weeks to see if it helps. Is she or has she recently molted?
That movement of her head appears to be neurologic in nature. It could be from a head injury, a vitamin E deficiency, seizure activity, or something like Mareks. I would give her 400 IU of human vitamin E and also a little B complex for thiamine for a couple of weeks to see if it helps. Is she or has she recently molted?
Most of my hens are molting right now. I'm not 100% on of she's started yet. She looks fully feathered compared to some of the others.
Molting is when I would occasionally see an illness pop up. The vitamins may help her, and hopefully she will recover soon. Let us know if anything changes..
Molting is when I would occasionally see an illness pop up. The vitamins may help her, and hopefully she will recover soon. Let us know if anything changes..
She just passed. Today she changed quickly. Ended up having trouble standing and then flailing on the ground. When I touched her feet she would move them some. Gave her half calcium, magnesium, zinc, vit d3 combo pill, plus b complex, vit e, and selenium. With powdered cayenne, garlic, and onion mixed in some apple sauce since she would at least eat that. Water had electrolytes, vitamins, and acv. She would eat some food when we wet it and drink water though with some difficulty. Gave all that daily.

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