odd shaped eggs question


8 Years
Jul 14, 2011
Easthampton, Mass
One of my reds (have been told she is either RI, NH or production, I have no idea) started laying three days ago, and every one of her eggs is oblong rather than oval. Any ideas why her eggs would not be the normal shape? The other red is laying regular eggs, and so is my white unknown breed hen. Just this one red is laying longer thinner eggs than normal. I thought the first one was just because it was the first one, but three in a row...maybe they'll just always be like that? And I think trying to hatch unusuallly shaped eggs is a bad idea, but are they still edible? Any input would be a help. Thanks all.
This is probably like the blind leading the blind, since I am so new, but I noticed that happen several times, and eventually it stopped happening. You should have seen some of them! Very bizarre, some with a very uneven shell (like rings around it). Glad that stopped! I also don't know why it didn't happen to all of them.
When you're used to seeing the production-perfect eggs in an egg carton, it can be a real shock to find out that they're not ALL like that!

But yes, perfectly normal. Some chickens will lay oblong eggs all the time, others just until they get their plumbing worked out
It is just new egg laying, they will get evened out pretty soon, new layers can lay odd looking eggs, double yolkers and real small or big eggs to start with, given time the eggs become more uniform in size and shape.
thanks for the info. egg number 5 is starting to look a bit more normal, but still a little longish. As long as i can cook them, I don't care if they come out square...yes, I do. That would be painful for my poor hen, but still, they do taste good. thank goodness for you guys, I'm driving my husband nuts with all these chicken questions. thanks again.
Agreed. I have several oblong egg layers, including Ivy's (turken):


I don't have any pics of it right now but one of my older hens lays a very pointy egg, spotted too. Beautiful in its own way and perfectly fine to eat.

Just this past week I had to start cutting the tab that keeps the (large) egg carton closed in order to get it to close on Ivy's eggs.
hi :) are these eggs that look strange still edible? o.o We don't have any chickens yet but I think I'm about to go into shock with all the strange things in these forums that i never knew existed (this being one of them). It's NOT "strange" to those who know chickens but since I don't (yet) it's still strange and foreign to me. hehe Looking at strangely shaped eggs is like looking at a circle while someone calls it a triangle, etc :D

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