Odd thing in crop

By what you describe it seems as if she might have ingested some piece of plastic, so better not massage her crop or it might cause injuries.

Try Coca Cola, it is known to dissolve almost everything.
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How much do I give and how many days, is it bad for chickens in large doses?
The longest I had to give it was for 5 days for a really bad crop impaction.

I would not consider Coca Cola a healthy beverage at all, but sometimes this nasty stuff can safe a life.
Of course I know that! I am super thankful for your advice!
so I have been giving her my own crop treatment as well, but I don’t feel safe throwing her up and I am not sure it would be smart because the object might get stuck and cause more problems... I am really at a loss too. She definitely has sour crop due to this object, her crop isn’t digesting and when I rub it, she burps and a not good smell comes from it. I have been giving her lettuce turkey and scrambled eggs. The object isn’t able to be broken up, I have tried very hard to bend and break it and things like that but it won’t!
she has been having slightly normal poops, she currently has severe ascites and I have been giving her my treatments for it, don’t want to drain with needle. And it has been somewhat calming down but her poops have been pretty normal for that, a little runny but most have normal shape just small.
I don’t know what to do, the object won’t leave her crop and it is still about 4 inches and won’t break up or dissolve. Sadly I don’t have access to a vet.
I completely understand. an object might get stuck, but you need the sour out. I do not know what to tell you. Maybe if she threw up, you could pull the object out. If i were you, I would see the vet
The longest I had to give it was for 5 days for a really bad crop impaction.

I would not consider Coca Cola a healthy beverage at all, but sometimes this nasty stuff can safe a life.
How much did you give for those 5 days?
I completely understand. an object might get stuck, but you need the sour out. I do not know what to tell you. Maybe if she threw up, you could pull the object out. If i were you, I would see the vet
Honestly I’m not sure about that, I am going to try the Coca Cola tomorrow and for a few days and then I might try that. I really just don’t feel comfortable doing that but if I have to I might. The object is pretty big, I don’t know how she ate it but I don’t know if it can fit out of her mouth.
All she wanted, just instead of water, they like the sweet taste and she should drink it just fine.
And it didn’t mess her up in any bad way?
Honestly I’m not sure about that, I am going to try the Coca Cola tomorrow and for a few days and then I might try that. I really just don’t feel comfortable doing that but if I have to I might. The object is pretty big, I don’t know how she ate it but I don’t know if it can fit out of her mouth.

And it didn’t mess her up in any bad way?
I would not try to make her throw up as this object could hurt/cut her gullet or even get stuck and make things even worse.

No, on the contrary, it helped to prevent a circulatory collapse.

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