Ode to Old Hens... Pictures of the Seniors in Our Flock

Ellie passed away during the night with the same quiet dignity with which she lived, not even a flap. The others didn't seem to realize she was gone, just looked like she was sleeping as she was when we left her in the nest last night. When DH showed her body to Isaac, he whimpered like a puppy.

I'm going to open up a large cyst she had on her rear to see what it is comprised of-it began as a puffy, fatty looking raised area just like another hen or two here has and probably is not related to her death, but I have a unique opportunity to see what is in there, whether fat or a ball of matted feathers or fibroid or what. It had become very enlarged over the last two months. Then we will bury her in the place we bury all the special ones now, near Nora and Meg and the others. Her place was prepared yesterday.

Hopefully, on a lighter note, she will have a niece or nephew hatched this morning under my BR, Dottie. Birth and death on the farm...

ETA: By the way, I did the necropsy and posted photos under Emergencies if you're interested.
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Sorry to hear about Ellie , at least in the end she went with dignity and calmly, in her sleep . wishing you all the best with the rest of the flock
Thanks, Stiggy. Our internet has been down since last week-lightning took out the router, modem and my entire computer system, plus blew another HDMI on the main TV, so trying to catch up with stuff now. We sure miss Ellie, though.
Thanks, Stiggy. Our internet has been down since last week-lightning took out the router, modem and my entire computer system, plus blew another HDMI on the main TV, so trying to catch up with stuff now. We sure miss Ellie, though.

Sorry to hear about Ellie.

Knew something had to be wrong. Glad it was just your internet and not Tom.

I wanted to make sure you saw your squares and what I did with them. Check the Crochet chat thread.

Take care and be well,

I did and commented, thanks!

For some reason, I cannot add pictures or smileys because the pop up menus refuse to close so I can submit the post if I try to do either of those. Sheesh. This is DH's computer, which was my old one from a year ago but he doesn't want to update FF so it's version #10. Maybe that has something to do with it, who knows? :/ Maybe that keyboard generated smiley will work.

ETA: nope, can't even keyboard generate it. Bummer.
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I did and commented, thanks!

For some reason, I cannot add pictures or smileys because the pop up menus refuse to close so I can submit the post if I try to do either of those. Sheesh. This is DH's computer, which was my old one from a year ago but he doesn't want to update FF so it's version #10. Maybe that has something to do with it, who knows? :/ Maybe that keyboard generated smiley will work.

ETA: nope, can't even keyboard generate it. Bummer.
It is not just your computer. People have been reporting similar issues while they are updating the site: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/916839/site-update-issues/80#post_14004737
In the news.

The other day, I noticed Frenchy's egg that was under the broody had a hole. I took a piece of tape and covered it, seeing that the chick inside was still alive. I was surprised to find a chick the next day or two. So that's two from Frenchy who hadn't laid in a couple of years.

I moved the tiny chick to the brooder with some older chicks, a little worried it might get smushed. This morning when I went to check here was the tiny chick tucked under the wing of the largest chick in the brooder. All by themselves under the light. I also think the brooding chick is a roo.
Aw, hope she keeps trucking for a long, long time.

Amanda's arthritis in her left leg has rendered it almost useless. Her foot is limp, no movement in the toes at all. She can sometimes with great effort haul it under her to prop herself into a standing position, but she must move around using her wings and her better leg. So, she is in the same position that Zane was in most of his life. She'll be 8 in March. Caroline, my last hatchery hen, a Buff Brahma, will be 8 in January, and except for a sluggish, pendulous crop, she is in fine order. Neither has laid in awhile, though both did crank out a few eggs at the beginning of this year. Caroline is the boss of that coop and Amanda is next in line. Caroline guards Amanda and Amanda will dish out punishment to everyone except for Caroline.

The Old Hens' Retirement Home & Hospice has moved to the old bantam coop, which is warmer for winter, has a covered pen and a low-to-the-ground ramp (barely even needed). Snapped some photos of some of them today. There are eight left living there. Caroline, my last hatchery hen, the Buff Brahma queen of everything, will turn 8 years old in January. Becca and poor crippled Amanda will be 8 in March. Gypsy turns 7 next month with Panda, the barred EE and Snow, my splash Ameraucana, right behind her. Emily, the Black Rock, is going on 5, as is Tiny, but they are in there for different reasons than actual age.

The Orpington pen also houses two almost 7 year old girls, Dusty and Nugget, plus been-dying-for-two-years, Hope.

Dusty, who tried to self-dub so her comb hangs over her left eye like a French beret. My friend calls her "Oui, oui, Dusty!".

Adding a photo of Nugget which shows her dark purplish color she gets while dustbathing or when she gets into a big fight and is under stress. I think her heart may be failing slowly.

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