Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

@-Kiwi- did you respond to my last one with king? Sorry!

@_-Captain BRM-_ can Helios be flying above the trucks Sol & frens are in? Also Is pretty much everyone from the SD making their way to Raptors house?
(She has a house with a hidden bunker underneath in the south side of town :))
Dred slowly nodded, “fair enough. I don’t know where I’ll go either.” He said in an even tone. They didn’t respond and didn’t seem to be interested in conversation, but Dred was bored of the-…silence? Not silence really, the truck was clanking and bumping and revving constantly under the weight of the dragons, so it was loud the whole time, but everyone seemed so intent on brooding and grumping when there was no reason to.
“So, where are you two from?”
“Sand Kingdom,” Shrike said flatly, “I don’t know where Kapok’s from. Most likely Sanctuary or Possibility, originally the Poison Jungle, I dunno.”
(YES 😭

That's literally all I can write about him 😭😭😭)
*Tide appears*
Everything was a weird suffocating heat, the world pressing in thick and smothering his breath and mind like a damp, sunbaked blanket.
Sounds swirled around his slurred mind, his thoughts drifting in a humid ocean of nonsense.
His tongue felt dry and it burned slightly, his throat only magnifying the sensation as the dryness crept through his body, all of it dwarfed by the ever-present burning on his neck. Heat seemed to seep from the spot, swimming beneath his feathers and fueling the fevered haze.
Alicanto felt something touch his shoulder, the skin warming further from the touch and making his feathers feel sensitive and uncomfortable. He let out a slightly deeper breath, the end of it tainted with the faintest groan.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
(SORRY, my fam's been nagging me about everything all night)
Vel pushed his head against the sand, her attention redirected towards the ever reddening wound scarring the CloudWing's neck. He was weak. So was she. His small jerk of confused protest left Vel fighting for her balance as her talons shifted to steady her hold.
The wound was infected. She gave a sigh of displeasure, too tired to think much of it. He would die anyway.
She swayed. The heat burned. It burned worse than the desert heat.
Vel placed a talon on the CloudWing's forehead.
No fever.
Or so she thought.
Oh, how her scales burned. Impulsively, she staggered towards the water. She fell in. It was cooler. She threw her head up against the damp sand, then retched, allowing the rest of her body to be submerged. Vel doubted she could move anymore if she tried. Too tired. But.. why? Why... was she tired...

Ajax jumped awake at the sound of Vel yelling. He squinted, looking around, feeling confused. Where were they again? Why was he on such hard ground? Why did his muscles ache and his eyes keep sliding closed?
Trying so hard to keep himself conscious, he stood, groaning as his legs stretched out. His head hurt, his limbs hurt, even each separate talon came with its own pain.
His mind was blank. He could process only in simple terms. Vel is vomiting. Alicanto is sleeping. I think I am dying.
Ajax did not feel thirsty or hungry. He did not feel like flying anymore. He just felt drained, mentally and physically. He fell back to the ground with a loud thump.
He felt like sleeping.
And that is what he did.
Ajax jumped awake at the sound of Vel yelling. He squinted, looking around, feeling confused. Where were they again? Why was he on such hard ground? Why did his muscles ache and his eyes keep sliding closed?
Trying so hard to keep himself conscious, he stood, groaning as his legs stretched out. His head hurt, his limbs hurt, even each separate talon came with its own pain.
His mind was blank. He could process only in simple terms. Vel is vomiting. Alicanto is sleeping. I think I am dying.
Ajax did not feel thirsty or hungry. He did not feel like flying anymore. He just felt drained, mentally and physically. He fell back to the ground with a loud thump.
He felt like sleeping.
And that is what he did.
@_-Captain BRM-_
Time passed- Vel wasn't sure how much.
She pulled herself from the water, her eyes lidded to shield the pupils from burning in the mid-day sun.
A stabbing pain of sickness ached. She dragged Alicanto into the river, and then she brought Ajax over, too. There was a tree overlooking a shallow notch in the shoreline. Vel put the dragons there. Ajax woke, but he was too weak to protest. Alicanto slept through it all. She wanted to submerge him and wake him up. But she was too scared he wouldn't wake up.
She drank. The only shot she had at survival was to stay hydrated and actively awake. So Vel tried to clean Alicanto's neck. Tried to stay awake.

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