Off To The Airport to Pick Up The New Pup(soon)!!!

Okay, I tried to get pics up yesterday and never could get on here!! YEAH for BYC being busy
even if it did hamper my ability to get you guys pictures!!!! LOL!! Well, here he is...

<a href=""><img src="" alt="This is our new little chocolate tan boy who will, hopefully, be our stud dog for our boys daughters gdaughters!!" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Wess way of making the puppies feel at home and like he is not a threat!! GOOF!!!!" /></a> This is my Border Collie, Wes's, way of putting pups at ease when he meets them
Silly, goofy boy!!!

<a href=""><img src="" alt="What a cute little boy!! Hes impossible to get a good shot of cause he just wants to sit on my feet!! Thats where hes headed now )" /></a> It was hard to get good pics since he kept wanting to sit on my feet! What a good boy since he comes right to us as soon as you get his attention!!

Clport, cute picture of Harvey!! Since you think Harvey is entertaining on his own, wait till you add a couple more tiny hounds to your pack!!! I am sure that Hollyclyff will back me up that one Doxie is a BLAST, add more to that and they are a complete RIOT!! Many, many times we will pause or turn off what we're watching on TV when the dogs get going...especially during these long Winter nights when they've been cooped up because of the storms we just had.... I'll have to post a picture of what happens here when we get SUN and the ground has dried out a little bit so the animals can all get some exercise

Barnyard, I wish you were closer since I dropped one of our boys off at his Auntie's yesterday to play with his cousins (& she bathed him for me since he apparently smelled a bit like a ranch dog
). Some days, we are kind of a Dachshund library depending on who we have here and if we have pups or rescues that need socialization.

Brownlikewoah, I got this little guy from a breeder in South Carolina. We have another boy we got from her years ago and needed a potential stud dog for his daughters and grand-daughters that we had kept. Standards are FUN!!! Do you know where you are getting your dog from yet? It's funny...I always think of Standards as Doxies on steroids since we breed minis and the Standard breeders that we know tease me for our tiny little, shrunken Doxies who seem to them to be Doxies someone left in the drier too long!! Hope the time is right for you soon so that you can join in the Dachshund FUN!!

For anyone who is close enough to come to Chico, CA the second Sunday of every month, we do a Dachshund Sunday In The Park @ Hooker Oak Park on Bruce Road in Chico @ 1PM. We welcome everyone with their Doxies and even those who have Honorary Dachshunds (my Catahoula, Border Collie, and a Miniature horse have all come to socialize) to come on out to the park and visit with all of us with our dogs!! We actually have some people who just come to get a Doxie fix who are (HORRORS!!!!!) dog-less at the time. Some are looking for a Doxie or trying to decide if this is the breed for them and it is such a great group to get your questions answered about our breed and for all of us to share stories about what it is like to share our lives with the most diminutive of the hounds. We actually made the front page of the newspaper twice last year and have had up to 70 Dachshunds at one time!! Talk about a sight you have to witness with your own eyes
It is a LOT of fun and we'd love to have anyone who is close enough come visit!! So far, the record time traveled to get to our little group is from Modesto, about 4 hours away. I know many of you would obviously beat that....

Here's the dogs enjoying the sun after all that rain and stormy weather we just had!! It's only a "Family Picnic Quality" picture, but you get the idea. They are HAPPY and that's what matters most!!!!!

<a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>
Okay, I thought that I got the pictures up, and it just shows the codes instead. Anyone know how to fix this without uploading my pics to BYC? I cannot figure out how to access the pics I did upload again too use them somewhere else and JUST read the fine-print that says the pictures that we upload are not allowed to be posted on another site. I have my pics on our Dragonfly Minis myspace and on my Facebook page. Man, here I thought that I had figured this part out!!! Once again, sorry for the delay for those of you with a picture Jones
(And, look, I just hijacked my own thread...oops!!).
LOL!!! Thanks so much for trying to help me!! Okay, I will figure this out, I SWEAR!!!!! However, I have fur-kids and feather-kids that need to be taken care of in the meantime!! If you get the chance, here's the myspace with his very own album and a ton of other pics as well!!! ENJOY!!!
You have Dapples
That is my all time favorite color!! Did I say chocolate in the pm....I lied....DAPPLE!!! Hurry to the airport and ship me 1 or 2

ETA: I went to your myspace page that is how I know
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Sure, just need shipping details and to know which color dapple!!
Barnyard, that made my day after what has been a VERY long week!!! What about a chocolate dapple?!? That was actually what I was looking for when I bought this pup. Since I couldn't find just what I wanted, I will just have to breed it!! This baby is very bold. He went up the hill with my DH to clear some trees that had fallen over in my goat pen and even survived being nipped by a duck on the way!! Kinda cool
He's definitely got the working dog attitude that I like!! (Okay, for everyone rolling their eyes, I realize that they are Mini Doxies, but we have a couple mini Dachshunds that LOVE to work stock and do what they can to help out!! My longhair brindle girl has the respect of all of my miniature horses when they get out. They know the big dogs aren't allowed to touch them, but the Doxies are and they will high-tail it back to their pasture when they see the little dogs coming!! Our tiny mare tries Horsie Kung Fu on the big dogs because she knows she can get away with it. BRAT!!).

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