Office Work.......

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Weird day

Nella's sharing cuteness

Dacs sounds like my daughter

Batz is getting a guy to clean for her


Good thing Boo did a smile-by or I'd think the entire world had flipped it's lid.

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Couldn't find my mottled hens this morning. 2 were broody but the other 2 were nowhere to be found. Then I checked the under the nestbox cover.


Yep, now they're ALL BROODY.
I think just the usual stupid coworker drama.

Boo, I have no idea. The 2 in back have been broody for a bit now. The other 2 just joined them this week. Sigh.
Its cute when the chickens share the nest setting on the eggs, and then taking care of the chicks when they hatch.
I had two do that.

Nella, you have Cochins. You expect them to NOT be broody? Even our roos sometimes think being broody is worthwhile.
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