Office Work.......

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Is today over yet? It is 3pm here, and time for my "cigarette" break but I just want outta here! There are chickens that need dinner! Small children who need loving and a good tickle time!

Only an hour left....
Only people from outside the valley say this. Or non-natives. It is so they can feel "tougher" while they are melting in a pile sticky Louisiana swamp-patootie.

I have no idea how people function in humidity. I give mad props to those folks. Or *shudder* those who live where it snows.

snow bites! I was up in PA and we had 41" of snow in February. It was ridiculous. Give me the humidity any time.

I feel eggzactly the same way, and I too had my snow experiance in Pennsylvania. In Latrobe & Greensburg. At least Latrobe was were they made Rolling Rock beer. Its was also home to, home to, home to, dang it, I cant remember his name now. He was the one with the kiddie show and always said "Howdy Neighbor" and "Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood".
Only crazy people think they can control time. Like me changing my clock would really make 4 pm be 5 pm or somesuch nonsense. *psh*
You guys also dont have to ever change your clocks do to not having daylight savings time in your area

I think it's actually cause they are either too good to join the day light savings thing.

But then, parts of IN doesn't participate either and well you know what they say about THOSE people...........
How about pallets?

Both of those ideas are wonderful ways to recycle. LOL And to make your neighbors love you more. How about just cut the side of the bus off along with the windows.. It would be a bus fence.. Looking like the line of bus's sitting at the school waiting to pick up kids..

Did you sleep? How is Quattro? How is Kelly?

no the little oxygen thieves woke me up at 6am to ask me where the pepto bismal was... fridge duh....... then at 6:15 to call my big dog out ... Like I was sorta kinda using him as a pillow........... then my almost 20 year old wakes me up at 7:20 to ask me if she can go visit friends... she graduated yesterday.. almost 20 years old.... I don't quite remember if I put the clip in the glock at that point, but whatever I did she tore out of the driveway. Did I mention that I sorta was grouchy and told ALL of them not to wake up ahead of time? I didn't get to sleep till 2 or 3 tossing n turning.... Quattro is starting to eat. kelly is frustrated and upset because he's still in one of those incubators and she can't just pick him up and hold him whenever he starts fussing and crying. She'll live, he's getting big already...

oh yeah... I looked at new stun guns today. a 500,000 volt taser/stun gun that has a 12 range... perfect distance from my bed to the door frame.... first kid that wakes up tommorow better hope I use the gun with batteries and not the shells............................................................
Did you sleep? How is Quattro? How is Kelly?

no the little oxygen thieves woke me up at 6am to ask me where the pepto bismal was... fridge duh....... then at 6:15 to call my big dog out ... Like I was sorta kinda using him as a pillow........... then my almost 20 year old wakes me up at 7:20 to ask me if she can go visit friends... she graduated yesterday.. almost 20 years old.... I don't quite remember if I put the clip in the glock at that point, but whatever I did she tore out of the driveway. Did I mention that I sorta was grouchy and told ALL of them not to wake up ahead of time? I didn't get to sleep till 2 or 3 tossing n turning.... Quattro is starting to eat. kelly is frustrated and upset because he's still in one of those incubators and she can't just pick him up and hold him whenever he starts fussing and crying. She'll live, he's getting big already...

oh yeah... I looked at new stun guns today. a 500,000 volt taser/stun gun that has a 12 range... perfect distance from my bed to the door frame.... first kid that wakes up tommorow better hope I use the gun with batteries and not the shells............................................................

Send 'em down here. I got 213 acres that need tending!
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