Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 02-18-22 Pic by OzarkChooks

I Am A Star! 🌟
Don't you doubt it for a second.
All of us Chickens are Stars.
Hens, Roos, Chicks...All of us.
You want proof?

Just look at the human photographing me now...how many photos & videos are taken of me just dustbathing!
How many photos & videos of us in general, are in the humans phones? 🤔

How often do humans scoop us up for hugs? 🤗

How long do we sit on humans laps as they pet, preen & fuss over us? 😘

How many times do humans let us garden with them? 🍅 💐

How often do humans praise us for just doing what we do every day?
Like eating big juicy crickets & bugs, 🐛
or laying beautiful eggs, 🥚
or crowing hello? 🐓

Humans will check us from head to tail feather, 🪶
tending to any mite or bumblefoot,
trim our toenails,
oil our combs &
fluff our feathers.
Sometimes they buy little outfits
called saddles for us to wear.
They tell us how pretty, cute
or handsome we are,
All of the time! 🐓

They bring us watermelon, mealworms, cabbage, squash & all sorts of good food & treats along with our nutritious feed. 🍉

They've named songs, dances, walks, even a type of math after us!

How many hours do humans just wanna hang out with us?
When they have 'to do' & 'fix it' lists a mile long... they still sit a bit to smile & cluck with us anyway! They'll spend HOURS with our chicks! 🐣

Yes...those humans are so addicted to us, we are their favorite thing! 😍

And what do we do for them?
Crowing alarm clocks
Make breakfast
Till gardens
Provide endless entertainment

But we really take the most pride in the fact that...
We've turned humans into 'PoultCrastinators'
😆 🤣 😂 6e51f494693bf458b17b251e8d87a8f8.jpg
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News flash!! New contest posted each Friday, TGIF!!
More fun, more chances to win!!

It's time to start a new Caption Contest!

We choose photos from our photo submission thread (see link below) and you post captions in this thread. After posting your caption, vote using the "Like", "Love" or "Laugh" button for all your favorite captions. The sooner you submit your caption, the more votes you could get!

At the end of the contest, we will choose the highest-rated caption as the winner. Should there be a tie, the winner will be randomly chosen (using www.random.org)! The winner will be announced at the end of one week.

The winner will receive a free 1-month Premium Feather Membership for themselves OR a friend!

How to Enter:
Reply to this thread with your caption, multiple captions are allowed, submitted in separate posts.**
2. Vote for all your favorite captions using the "Like", "Love" or "Laugh" button.

This contest ends next Thursday, February 24th at 11:59 pm Pacific time so get your entries and votes in before then!

That's it...Caption away!!

Here's the image for this contest:

Picture by @OzarkChooks

View attachment 2997522

**Posts must follow all BYC rules and be suitable for all ages, no politics.
If you would like your pics considered for one of the Caption Contests, submit them here:

Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #5
"....I, i, I, i, I, have become....comfortably numb"

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