Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-16-22 Pic by Quarterhorses1

It's in a chicken's DNA to adjust, adapt & act quickly, as successful survival of the species depends upon fast reaction & ability to avoid predator attacks.
One may even take notice, the speed of changing moods...see this chicken as an example...changing attitude in the blink of an eye.


You think I'm here to Amuse You?

Lay eggs, till & manure your garden, eat pesky bugs & crow a wake-up call every morning & entertain with my funny antics...Just For You???

You oddly built, featherless, puny Human...ooohhh, who happens to be holding a bag of mealworms...

Ummm,Yeah...you might be right. ❤️

How may I amuse you this morning sweet Human?
I take requests..."
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Who stole my lip gloss---I mean my beak gloss?
"OMG What was that?
Did you guys hear that?!
Helllo!!! Aren't y'all paying attention?
I heard something!!!
A twig snapped!
I saw a big shadow!
It might be Bigfoot!"

Other chickens, leisurely pecking & grazing...
"Geez, why Gladys is such a spaz?"
"Just ignore her"
"I told her 3 cups of coffee is too much"

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