Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2012

Poor li'l fella! :(

If we lived closer I'd bring you some girls for your brave little man!!
Crockpot our Golden Comet rooster has had a few changes this fall. He is missing feathers on his wings and back along with his tail. Today it is snowing in upstate NY, so his um... tail is a bit cold. I like his one tail feather that it left.
We lost all his hens this summer. One to a hawk that he fought off while sitting on his hen fighting and two to an unknown predator (mink/weasel). He is a lonely guy. Although he now acts more like a dog than a chicken. likes to sit on your lap and eat out of your hand.

Molt contest category -Other Breed
He looks so dang miserable.
My two year old Rhode Island Red Henrietta is the scruffiest looking bird I have ever seen! Between the white feathers and the naked neck she's quite the site!
AWWWW poor Henrietta! I love her expression...she is saying "SCRUFFY? WHO are you calling SCRUFFY? Come here and let me peck you!"
Here is an updated picture of the molt process of my EE chicken that I posted early on (post # 45).

As you can see she still looks pretty bad but getting better. Lots of pin feathers and the start of some tail feathers.
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"Ruby", my Rhode Island Red isn't looking too good lately. She has only 2 tailfeathers left, and has bare spots all over.
This is her first molt, and I think she doesn't quite know what to make of it!

All other breeds . . .posting my molting picture of Meena, one of my Ameraucana hens.She looks worse this year than last. Poor girl!

You can see she has only one primary feather on her wings and no tail feathers. I put a chicken apron on her because of her bare back. (The feathers there are finally starting to fill in.)

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