Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures, Fall-Winter 2013

Last year I had this one hen that molted all her feathers in a couple of days and it was like when she lost a feather another one popped up instantaneously so in a week she just has little spikes all over her lol
I don't want to be entered in the contest, but I had to show a before and after picture of my rooster. My Buckeye rooster got a bad molt last year...it was funny because he didn't know how awful he looked he just kept on doing his thing! The only part that didn't molt was his tail.

Huh?! (Tilting his head like my dogs do when I talk to them...hehe)

Before molting he looked sooooo good!

All other breed entry
Here is my "beautiful" black jersey giant hen in molt. I have 2 more just like her in full molt in all their glory :) But the new feathers are showing so she should be pretty again soon!

Wow I'm so shocked LOL, I saw barred rock feathers on the ground I wonder if she is going to start she is 13 months old now.
This is Olive, my silkie hen who is a little over a year old. She is having a particularly hard molt right now and basically has no feathers on her neck/head/ and most of her tophat missing. It looks like she has really bad hair plugs with the new feathers coming in! Poor girl! My roo still thinks she's beautiful, though!

How Olive usually looks.
This is Tweety. She's our white leghorn. This was her first full molt. All her feathers have grown back and she's a beautiful snow white now.
So far, Hemp looks the worst. She really wasn't sure about getting her picture taken. I managed to get these. I'll try to get one that shows her molting beauty better!

wow, I have never seen chickens go so bald during a molt
crazy. Mine always just looked tussled up a bit. Watch me jinx it and end up with bald ones

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