Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2015

Oh no, it took a couple months butt now i can't even pick it out of a line up
oh good! Yay
Rookie newbie question. My three ladies are about 25 weeks old. The are laying once a day. They get 14 to 16 hours of daylight each day. If I stop the lights will they go into a molt? Or are they to young to molt so soon?

This is "Vera", our Vorwerk hen. She is about a week in to her first moult, she is usually a beautiful, proud girl but not during this time, she constantly hangs around sulking (unless mealworms are involved, soon perks up then)! I think i may show her some of the moulting photo's off here, she is nothing compared to some! This is also our first time dealing with a moult so it is a learning curve for all. My cream legbar also had a hard moult but i never got any piccies...wish i did...she was quite a state!
Oh my gosh! The misery on her face.. She's such an amazingly expressive girl!! I love it!!
There isn't a definite close date from what I have seen. This is from the rules on page 1:
"Once we're past the molting season our esteemed panel of judges will pick a loser... er... winner!
Rookie newbie question. My three ladies are about 25 weeks old. The are laying once a day. They get 14 to 16 hours of daylight each day. If I stop the lights will they go into a molt? Or are they to young to molt so soon?
What do you mean, "stop the lights?" Do you let your chickens free range? I do, from about seven A.M. to seven P.M.

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