Official BYC Poll: Crumbles, Mash, or Pellets?

Which feed type do you use?

  • Crumbles

    Votes: 344 57.6%
  • Mash

    Votes: 56 9.4%
  • Pellets

    Votes: 290 48.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 71 11.9%

  • Total voters
The grains are soaked overnight and then for a day or so. Doing this is supposed to save money on feed as they tend to eat less and also make the nutrients in the food more readily available and better absorbed by the chicken. Some youtube videos got me started on this. :)
wouldn’t eating less be less healthy for them?
I used to feed crumbles but my girls waste so much! So I switched to pellets. They did not eat the pellets so I switched back to crumbles, I then switched to pellets a few months later and told them they have to eat the pellets or go hungry lol so they ate them.

I realized I don’t have to buy so much food! Only 2 bags everyone month, whereas the crumbles I would need 3 to almost 4 a month.
is crumble or pellets better for ducks? i’m trying to switch mine over to pellets because they seem to choke on the crumble a lot (even though they have many water bowls available.
My experience has been, "back in the day", that they waste a lot less of the pellets. At the moment I've got two month old pullets and they waste a lot of the starter/grower mash. Pretty much can't wait for them to grow up so I can give them something a bit larger and less prone to wastage!
I have no preference.

The chicks are, of course, getting crumble chick starter but I'll buy either pellets or crumble when they are old enough to need something beyond that according to availability, suitability, and price.

I don't cater to picky children -- expecting them to eat the good food I provide for them and not working as a short order cook unless hired for the job and paid for it. I certainly won't cater to picky livestock.
I like pellets because I find it’s usually less waste than the crumbles which are sooo dusty but I have everybody on crumbles now because it’s easier. I don’t think I would ever do mash if it’s all that dusty :lau though it seems like it’d be ideal for fermenting.

And I actually did recently find a brand of crumbles that is far less dusty that I’m gonna be switching back to soon. And the brand of pellets I used to feed is actually more like mini pellets, in between crumbles and pellets in size, so the girls liked them better than the big pellets. But it’s a layer feed so can’t feed it anymore.
What brand is less dusty?
My entire flock gets this except the chicks there's is different 47chickens 8ducks 5guineas in my main coop 8 of which are roosters then my batchler coop has 9resident roosters my 207quail get more protein and in the winter everyone gets more protein plus a ton of goodies I make the bunnies food homemade to and the dogs cats frogs fish and yes they get grit on the side i barder with friends alot so I do save money time no but I like to do it so its ok and my daughter likes to help and every once in a while my boys help but mostly my daughter so I get to spend quality time with her and do me 1 favor dont ever think of your 20 questions as you being nosey or a smart a** that's what the seasoned chicken owners are here for to help the newbies so ask away i will gladly share what I know and if i dont know then someone else will never feel like you can't ask questions ive had chickens my entire life and I still ask questions its good to be inquisitive thats what I tell my kids so yes I get 500 questions from 3kids and I love it
Hmmm homemade dog food! My dogs would love me to get your recipe, please?

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