Official BYC Poll: How Old Is / Was Your Oldest Chicken?

How Old Is / Was Your Oldest Chicken?

  • 0-3 years

    Votes: 142 33.8%
  • 4-7 years

    Votes: 136 32.4%
  • 8-11 years

    Votes: 89 21.2%
  • 12-15 years

    Votes: 42 10.0%
  • 16-19 years

    Votes: 6 1.4%
  • 20 years and older

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • I don't keep chickens yet

    Votes: 1 0.2%

  • Total voters
My parents’ big yellow rooster, KFC, lived over 20 years. Crowed under my bedroom window every single morning til I was out of the house. Then he moved to my little sister’s window til she graduated and moved out. Then on to the youngest one. But he would come crow outside whatever room I slept in whenever I visited. In the end his bright yellow feathers had faded quite a bit, but that predawn crow stayed ear-splitting to the very end.
20 YEARS?! The oldest recorded was 16!
My oldest chicken, Maryhannah, was twelve and a half. She lived a long happy life and raised a lot of chicks. She was a good grandmother to her daughter's chicks too. She was a great layer in her prime and laid every now and then until she was 10. She even laid an egg randomly when she was 12! She was really close to one of her daughters who passed two weeks after her (she was almost 8). Maryhannah hatched on 4th Jan 2006 and sadly passed on 18th Aug 2018. I do really miss her 😢

My current oldest, Gertrude, is turning 10 in April.
We have an EE mix that turned 9 this month. She belonged to 1 of my friends. Almost 2 yrs ago something got in their coop. She was the only survivor. She refused to go in the coop anymore. Every night she would go to their sliding glass door and jump up and peck the door handle and they would let her in. She came to visit when they went on a short trip and has been here ever since. Our peeps were only 6 mos old at the time. She appointed herself flock guardian and is better than any roo! She's a champion runner and fast. Lol. She even started laying again and was my best layer last spring.
I am unable to answer that question with anything close to an actual number.
We started our flock with a foundling cockerel. Once he had a safe abode for himself and a number of hens, we went out to buy 3 hens for him. Although I had done a ton of reading on what to do and what not to do in order to keep chickens properly, I knew nothing about guessing the age of a hen. And, Man did the seller see me coming. :lau We bought 3 hens, 1 was a Mille flore something, that was a full size hen. She was beautiful and friendly and I named her Ursula. I will never know how old she was when we got her, but she was my pride and joy. She never laid an egg, ever. So she was past laying age when we got her and we have had at least one hen who laid fewer and fewer eggs until she was 7 years old.
We had Ursula for about 8 years, I guess. So she would have been at least 10 years old and probably 15 or more. She was and always has been missed. One day perhaps I will tell a few Ursula stories, she was rather bossy, even with the Rooster.

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