
Island Juli

Jan 25, 2016
Black Australorp hens with this rooster, (might be mixed silver pencil and barred?). Will I be able to auto-sex at all after hatching? How about with Black Jersey Giants? I believe with my BRs I won't be able to, correct?

Tried to look it up, but the more I looked the more confused I got! I was hoping someone here knows which gene is passed by whom.

Thanks so much!

Hens need to be the ones that are barred and crossed with a red based (non-barred) rooster (Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire are the most commonly used because they are productive breeds). The difference in chicks at hatch is more subtle than other sex linked crosses in that all the chicks will be black with the males having a white spot on their head.

"Auto sexing" refers to established breeds that can be bred to still produce auto sexing chicks such as Cream Legbars, Rhodebars etc.

Sex linked crosses on the other hand do not breed 'true' so the ability to sex at hatch only happens for that initial cross.

Hope that's been of some help. You have a very handsome rooster.
Thank you. Yes, and he knows it too!

Appreciate the info. I am slowing learing as I go. The folks who buy my chicks just care if they lay eggs or not. (Had to explain to a gentleman again today that he bought 7 straight run chicks. One is most definetly a rooster by his explanation, larger, big red comb, etc.) He still buys my eggs until these start laying.

It just would be easier to sell known pullets earlier as opposed to straight run very young or waiting until I know for sure.

Here in Hawaii it's not hard to sell chicks as long as they aren't the feral kind or gamefowl. In fact, I took some gamefowl chicks off a friend and all freaking 7 are cockerels!! Guess it's time to learn to process.

Sorry for rambling, but thank you again very much!!
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Rambling is fine by me. I love reading about what different people do. I'm not even a breeder - I just read far too much. We've recently tried our hand at hatching bantams and right now one of our broody bantams is bringing up some Orpington chicks. Chicks are very addictive! Thankfully I have found two breeders who will take back boys. I'd love to keep a rooster to look after our girls but living in suburbia means we can't. Maybe one day we'll move to the country. Then I can go chicken crazy!

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